Off the road from Moscow to St. Petersburg, in a pine forest on the banks of the Volga, architect Nana Getashvili built a country house, the interior of which resembles the Florentine palace. Why this happened, the architect himself knows best"Natural" structureNana Getsashvili: "When the owners saw a pine forest of several hectares, they decided to build a house here. The prospect of a two-hour journey along the Leningradsky highway did not bother. After all, they were not going to go from here to Moscow every day to work - this house was originally planned as a country estate ... a place, it seems to me, the house looks logical, implicitly likened to a natural structure. Its layout is expedient and at the same time irregular, it intelligently combines smooth lines and corners. Therefore, the house not only naturally fit in here, it "coincided" with the Like a natural object, the house looks different from different sides. Pay attention to the glass "nose", as if orienting the house towards the river, to the facades, in the decoration of which I used natural materials: wood, stone, brick, shading forging them ... ""Blooming" town house "The owner wanted to see his house quite traditional, classical. And, as an admirer of the beautiful, he agreed with the theme proposed by the architect of Florence. (By the way, the title itself sounds like a natural theme:" flora ")." Renaissance " the appearance of the house is “gaining momentum” in the inner chambers of the house. It is likened to a 16th century Florentine city. The hallway polyhedron, underlined by coffered ceilings, is a small square. On the second floor, where there are private chambers. In the rooms of the first floor, the amplification technique is used: the third and main "square", the largest and most luxurious, is the living room. "Living room "Двусветное помещение гостиной ориентировано по диагонали, проходящей от вершины стеклянного "носа" по направлению к противоположному углу, обозначенному полукругом балюстрады. Пространство дома, "двигаясь" по диагонали, в прямом смысле вклинивается в природную среду. Благодаря такой конфигурации прозрачных стен деревья, обступившие дом, хорошо видны из самых разных точек гостиной: из зоны домашнего кинотеатра, от каминной группы, с антресоли второго этажа, где располагается библиотека. Living room исполнена внутренней динамики: экспрессивные линии потолка, тяжелые двери, резные узоры камина, скопированного с исторического образца - камина из палаццо XVI века... Все это совсем нелишне было уравновесить, смягчить... Поэтому мягкая мебель обита бархатом, на полу - настоящий состаренный пешаварский ковер, гобелен на стене, резная золоченая люстра. Кругом - игра полутонов: ткани выглядят как старинные флорентийские, отделка стен волшебно светится". Canteen "Behind the sofa group there are doors to the dining room, a wonderful place of its kind. Cutlery, crystal - all this was meticulously selected: modern things, but very suitable in style to a massive oak table, made to order in Italy, and to a long chest of drawers. The length of the historic dresser that served as a model is about four meters. This chest is a little shorter, but still impressive. Its strict forms echo the pattern of doors, fireplace, coffered ceiling. "Cabinet "The owner wanted private rooms - bedrooms with adjoining bathrooms - traditionally located on the second floor. The role of a link between the public and private areas is assigned to the office, and stylistically, and functionally similar to the living room of the lower floor. Just like it was done in the living room , from the floor to the ceiling, the corner of the cabinet is glazed (but it is draped to create a special setting that contributes to reflection). The writing desk and chair are set diagonally. This gives some spatial dynamism to The rest of the furniture is placed simply: along the wall is a bookcase, on the contrary is a sofa, in the corner by the window is a bureau.However, the furniture itself is all subtext.What is only one crafty furniture remake bureau with fifteen drawers furniture placement eloquently testifies to a happy life scenario: evening conversations with a wife or close friends, a morning cup of coffee behind a fresh newspaper ... " Bedroom “On the second floor there are only five bedrooms: two children’s, two guest rooms and the master’s bedroom. The decoration of the latter most fully embodies the idea of the palazzo: a carpet with the image of the“ patrimonial ”coat of arms hangs at the headboard, a twisted-frame mirror reflects a high bed covered with fox fur. .. If in the living room on the first floor, the reception of "amplification" is predominantly architectural, then here the "reinforcement" is rather decorative. The fox blanket is like an exclamation mark in a series of interior listings: soft furniture, fluffy carpets, velvety curtains. The colors of the fabrics are sl ovno lightened by time. The secret of the cabinets at the entrance to the bedroom, which doors look like swing doors, but turn out to be sliding, is quite “Florentine.” On carpets, cushions, draperies are floral ornaments. All together it gives the impression of an apt “hit” in the style: Florence , "blooming" ... In general, "telepathy" is a necessary thing when communicating with a customer. You need to understand him perfectly, even without words, to be able to catch his thought, feeling, impression. In time to warn the taste, or more seriously - constructive, mistake ... " Nana Getsashvili: "Spouses with children dreamed of a comfortable country house. The interior of the house, according to their ideas, was supposed to be classic, but at the same time, not empire, not baroque, not actually classicist ... ; the hosts supported me ... And it turned out, in my opinion, not bad. "