People's Artist of Russia Nikolai Tsiskaridze tells about the gifts he remembered

Interview prepared: Vasily Konov
Materials: - (c) А. Ломахов/Persona Stars/Russian Look, - (c) Alexandr Dzhus/Russian Look, - (c) Gennadii Sergeev/Russian Look
Magazine: Gifts N3 (103) 2006
What should I give?
Ranevskaya said: "Give what is pity!" This is very true said. Generally, gifts are needed!
What did they give you in childhood?
I was given everything I wanted at that time. I remember, for example, that I really wanted the railroad! And in the end I was given it. Just not the one I wanted. The reason is simple - in our country they did not sell the railway, which I liked. Therefore, everything turned out to be simple - what was sold in the store, and this was presented to me. In childhood, I remember saving up money. Iron rubles. And when I saved up the necessary amount, I went to the store and bought a wall clock. I did not like the clock that was hanging in our house.
And what kind of watches did you buy?
Ordinary. It was written "Quartz".
And what did your mother dream of giving?
Mom wanted to give a fur coat, and eventually gave! When the opportunity presented itself, I bought her a fox fur coat. I was then 18 years old. And when I received the first money, I just gave everything to my mother.
And what was the most original gift?
I have been given so many gifts in my life that it is even difficult to single out something now. If you talk about me, then I just try to guess what a person needs, and give him exactly that. So he used this gift often. In order not to happen, the gift will simply be a gift. Well, if, of course, this person is interesting to me.
Does brand value and price matter?
First of all, I look at things to be of high quality, so well-known brands are always better. For example, I like a lot of things. In general, I am one of those people who don’t look a gift horse in the mouth. I often give expensive and high-quality things. And clothes, and perfumes.
Would you like to get an apartment or a car as a gift?
These are supernatural gifts! Such things can afford units! And it is incredibly pleasant to receive such expensive gifts! But I can tell this story. My teacher has a daughter. Now this is an adult girl, and when he was a little girl, she always came on December 31 to The Nutcracker (and besides the New Year, it was also my birthday) and gave me drawings. She drew herself, and it looked like a postcard. She wrote: "Kohl, Happy New Year, happy birthday!" This went on for several years - I have a lot of these cards. I keep them and I will always keep them, because she did it sincerely. And such things are expensive just like an apartment or a car. And in general, what a person does with his own hands, what he puts his soul into, is very valuable. One day my school teacher said: "I will not accept any gifts, except for those that you make with your own hands." We were then children of 12-13 years old. And then someone sculpted, someone else was making something. And I made two dolls from threads - a boy and a girl. And presented. Until now, my gift is on his desk. He liked the way I picked up the colors.
Gifts in the form of drawings you like?
I do not like sweepstakes. Here is the program "Draw" I played. And not like evil, and maybe someone liked it, but not me.
You dance the Nutcracker, probably, you were given many nutcrackers?
No, not many - five or six.