Nikola ulivi

Nikola Ulivi not only owns the furniture company Ulivi Salotti, but also comes up with the design of its products. He told us about the new factory collection.

Passing the gallery

Magazine: (184) 2013

Nikola Ulivi not only owns the furniture company Ulivi Salotti, but also comes up with the design of its products. He told us about the new factory collection.

What, in your opinion, will be remembered by this collection? Her features? - Answering this question, I, in turn, will ask you my own. Do you know what is cashmere leather? This is cowhide, which is processed in a special way, which makes it soft, like cashmere. The furniture from our new collection is upholstered precisely by her and by that unique. It is very pleasant to the touch, velvety material. Also beautiful and valuable. Bringing all these characteristics together, we decided that the collection should be called nothing other than My Luxury.

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