Designers Leonardo Dai Nellie and Marcie Fortuncia about fashion, chic, black

A photo: Olga Korotkova, - from the archives of Cattelan Italy Noir
Interview prepared: Olga Korotkova
Magazine: N10 (132) 2008
SALON: How would you characterize Noir?
Marcia Fortuna: About two years ago, my husband and I wanted to come up with
S: And how, by the way, do you understand luxury?
MF: A thing belongs to the sphere of luxury, when all five senses are involved in its perception ... Not only beauty that we see with our eyes, but also tactile sensations and other senses. If an object has beautiful smooth forms, a soft-touch upholstery texture, then, touching such a thing, a person experiences incredible comfort. Very pleasant sensations. And such things affect a person no longer just as furniture, but as something more, such as sculpture.
S: What do you think is the concept of luxury in the interior? So should all the premises or some look different?
MF: It is necessary that there is a balance. Never need to exaggerate. For example, do not need too much furniture. The concept of luxury can express an empty room! If you put in it all one or more truly luxurious items.
S: It is no secret that often people practice the philosophy of luxury not so much to satisfy their own feelings, but rather to show off their high social and financial status. Did you take this into account when you thought through your collection?
MF: I do not see this problem. Such a design - yes, it is not for everyone. He is for a certain stratum of society. It often happens that people order such an interior in order to, among other things, demonstrate their belonging to status, it is so. In this case, one does not exclude the other.
S: How do you define a collection style?
Leonardo Dai Nelly: This is a new classic. Not baroque, not eclectic, but a new classic. Most precisely sounds.