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Mikhail Kosaretsky tells about the current interpretation of the classic theme in the design of this library (Marco Mobili)

Passing the gallery

Magazine: Decor N8 (218) 2016

Mikhail Kosaretsky tells about the current interpretation of the classic theme in the design of this library (Marco Mobili)

Mikhail Kosaretsky: “Natural wood, hand carving, hand-painted with matt ivory lacquer ... This library is made on an individual project and is built into a niche at the request of the customer. The wall ceases to be visually boring space, and at the same time is used to the maximum. In addition to the bookshelves that delight the view with the colorful roots of books, and the closed cabinets, there are “secret places” for storage: they are located behind capitals. (If you take a closer look, you can see miniature keys.) Such a functional cabinet can be successfully placed in the library, in the study, in the living room, and even in the dining room. ”