Архитектор Alexey Vyazminov - об архитекторе, заказчике и идеальном интерьере

A photo: Dmitry Livshits
Interview prepared: Julia Sakharova
Magazine: Decor N10 (143) 2009
For example, an apartment made by us in the style of minimalism. The starting point was the fact that the customer lived in Europe (this is the first), and that he is the owner of a solid collection of Russian avant-garde, painting of the 20s of XX century (this is the second).
And we had the image of a modern, European-style apartment with designer furniture, light and painting of the 20s of the twentieth century. Moreover, we decided to make the surface of the walls white, as in an art gallery, so that the reflexes from the walls do not distort the color of the paintings. The bathroom is a cube trimmed with black marble. It is located in the open space of the living-dining room. And we wanted to create a sense of movement, the illusion that the cube slides. At the first level of perception, superficial, it’s just beautiful, at the second level, deeper, more subtle things are comprehended, for example, an associative connection is built with Malevich’s Black Square.
But also a monochrome apartment, but already classic and completely different. The customer asked to make the interior a la franςaise. We questioned him and found out that France is only one of the landmarks, and in general he likes the Mediterranean, the style of southern Europe. So Italy came to our project: marble floor, frescoes on the walls, furniture