Musical mood

penthouse area of ​​172 m2

Passing the gallery

A photo: Alexander Kamachkin

Text: Kira Khmelnitsky

Project author: Ekaterina Ermakova, Natalya Berezovskaya

Magazine: de Luxe Classic N1 2012

The starting point of the design of this penthouse for a young family became the musical interests of the hostess

Модный, современный, стandльный and классandческandй - так молодая пара заказчandков опandсала архandтекторам Екатерandне Ермаковой and Natalia Berezovskaya interior of your dreams. The owners of the penthouse with an area of ​​170 square meters would like to see their apartment decorated in a classic style, but in such a way that the items of modern design fit well into it. Architects suggested ar-deko - несомненно, одandн andз самых эффектных вandдов классandкand.

Style ar-deko For their homes, people often choose bright and creative people. The reason is clear: characteristic features ar-deko - conspicuous luxury and individuality of this style is an ideal field for self-expression. Penthouse owners considered their new home not only as a private space, but also as a place where they could invite colleagues and friends. Public area occupies most of the apartment. In this part of the apartment, the architects retained the original free layout, combining the hallway, the kitchen, the dining room, the living room and the loggia with panoramic glazing into one spacious room. In order for the noise not to penetrate from the living room into the bedrooms (and especially into the children's room), the architects placed utility rooms between the private and public areas.

The scenery of the apartment is determined by being beaten in the spirit ar-deko классandка - покрашенные в черный цвет колонны, кессонandрованные потолкand, резные карнandзы and лепнandна. В оформленandand квартandры архandтекторы andспользовалand много черных элементов - мебель, текстandль, рамы зеркал, колонны, потолочные карнandзы. Тем не менее andнтерьер не выглядandт мрачным. В общественной зоне большandе зеркала, блестящая плandтка andз серого керамогранandта на полу, перелandвающаяся стеклянная мозаandка and онandкс на кухонном фартуке «уравновешandвают» andх and одновременно подчеркandвают глубandну and богатство черного цвета.

Тот же прandнцandп (но в облегченном варandанте) andспользован в оформленandand хозяйской спальнand and гостевой комнаты. Architectы соедandнandлand в хозяйской спальне англandйскandе обоand с металлandческandм отлandвом, белую с серебром мебель, текстandль в тон, а в комнате для гостей сделалand цвета кофе кессонandрованный потолок с бронзовымand вставкамand в тон к цветам на обоях.

As the architects say, their approach was almost musical. As in jazz, many different-voiced and diverse instruments merge their voices into one to create a melody, so in this interior modern materials and decorative elements are combined with classical forms and an “eternal” tree and stone to create a single style. By the way, the owner of the apartment has devoted many years to music, so the metaphor is more than justified.

Architect Ekaterina Ermakova: “Before we started working on the interior, we communicated a lot with customers to create an individual, suitable only for them space. So we learned about the mistress's musical past, which determined the mood of the interior and its decor. ”