The basis of this interior, designed by Elena Dobrovolskaya, is a fusion of the art-deco traditions and the modern approach to working with space.

Text: Alexandra Terentyeva
A photo: Igor Karpenko
Project author: Elena Dobrovolskaya
Magazine: N6 (205) 2015
Автор проекта Elena Dobrovolskaya: «В этом проекте нашим главным ориентиром был стиль ар–деко. Мы самостоятельно разрабатывали характерные для той эпохи элементы декора, которые переосмысливали с точки зрения современного интерьера. Дом находится в элитном жилом комплексе и имеет свой небольшой внутренний двор, своеобразным продолжением которого в интерьере стали многочисленные фитооазисы с живыми растениями»
Проект этого четырёхэтажного дома стал для его хозяев исключением из правил. «Заказчики занимаются оформлением интерьера уже не первый раз и всегда делали ставку на минимализм. Но ключевым и, по сути, единственным пожеланием для этого дома стал уход от минималистских решений»,—рассказывает архитектор Elena Dobrovolskaya. В качестве нового стилевого ориентира архитектор предложила своим заказчикам ар–деко. Строгая геометрия пространства и чёткость линий важны для этого стиля не меньше ярких предметов декора или броских сочетаний отделочных материалов. Благодаря этой разносторонности ар–деко удалось совместить с современным стилем и получить в итоге уникальный сплав.
The first floor of the house is completely dedicated to a single space of a public zone. Glass sliding partitions separate the living room – dining room from the kitchen and patio. This technique visually increases the space, makes it easier, and the boundaries - conditional. A patio with a summer terrace seems to be a continuation of the living room, while the living room itself becomes part of the landscape outside the window. The illusion is reinforced by a panel of living plants, which completely covers one of the walls. “In this project we very actively used greens. The plants work as a hedge between the bedroom and the dressing room, and as an independent decorative element. At the same time, green oases also carry an important functional load, they serve as a natural means of humidifying the air, ”notes Elena. Natural, floral motifs were one of the main themes of the art of art deco. The interior gives a tribute to this tradition stucco decoration of the ceiling in the living room area. His design with sea shells and algae was developed specifically, based on archival templates. A more rigorous version of interlaced geometric shapes decorates the ceilings in the private master unit on the third floor. Another facet of the Art-Deco style manifests itself in the interior of the fourth floor, set aside for the study-library and the private bedroom of the owner of the house. The characteristic combination of copper and natural leather appears in the wall decor. The colors of space are deep and dark tones: brown, chocolate, terracotta, purple and green. At the other end of the optical spectrum lies the color scheme of the female private block on the second floor. It is dominated by cream, silver-gray tones, metal of cold colors and clear glass.
“For each family member, we designed an independent private unit and sought to make it as functional as possible. At the same time, glass partitions helped to avoid tightness, constraint of space. Through the glass in the closed room like a dressing room or bathroom at the office of the hostess penetrates the natural sunlight. In conjunction with the abundance of living plants, this creates a special atmosphere in the house, sets it to rest, ”explains Elena. The modern approach to building space is combined with the use of furniture and decor by legendary designers in the interior, such as Rene Lalique, Le Corbusier, Charles and Ray Imze, etc. The same function is assumed by the combination of finishing materials: leather and engraved copper, stone and natural wood, brass, bronze and mirrors, which are characteristic of ar-deco.