Компания Forte&Piano представила на "Интерьер Шоу" необычный рояль 213 Glass Transparent

A photo: Sergey Morgunov, Alexey Antonenko
Magazine: N10 (132) 2008
The fifties became a turning point in the history of design. New forms were invented and tested, new themes were raised and, most importantly, new materials were used for the first time, which were previously used only in space and automotive production. The world learned about synthetics and plastics. It seemed that they were able to replace any traditional basis, and the designers plunged into experiments.
Wilhelm Arnaud Schimmel, a representative of the Schimmel family, who from the end of the 19th century was engaged in creating luxurious classical grand pianos, was also captured by the idea of innovation and in 1951 created the first in the world plexiglass (acrylic) body. Later, Nikolaus Wilhelm Schimmel, taking the revolutionary model as a model, designs the 213 Glass Transparent grand piano, which was shown on "INTERIOR SHOW" company FORTE&PIANO, представляющей марку SCHIMMEL in Russia. This model has no analogues. 213 Glass Transparent - an acoustic grand piano of a usual form, but absolutely unusual concerning the used material - the transparent case is cast from acryle.
And if earlier the piano seemed to be a stronghold of traditionalism, then when you look at this model you understand: progress is something tangible.