The hosts set the task for Yulia Pokrovskaya and Inna Volvak to convey the spirit and sensation of Moscow in the 30s-40s of the last century in the interior. Inspiration authors drew in art and architecture of that period
Passing the galleryInterview prepared: Olga Vologdina
A photo: Eugene Kulibaba
Project author: Inna Volvak, Yulia Pokrovskaya
Magazine: Nha (197) 2014
You gave this project the name of a Moscow metro station. Why this station, because it was not completed? Inna Volvak: We did not mean any particular station, therefore we named the project in honor of the nonexistent one. The Sovetskaya station was built in the 1930s – 40s and symbolizes that time for us. Rather, it is an allegory on a given topic, a kind of generalized image. We tried to convey in general the atmosphere of the epoch inspired by cinema (GV Alexandrov films with Lyubov Orlova), painting (paintings by Y. Pimenov, in particular “New Moscow”), architecture (Moscow metro stations built in , Stalinist skyscrapers), used themes from Alexander Deineka's mosaics “Day of the Country of Soviets”. Julia Pokrovskaya: Customers, a married couple, really like Art Deco, but in the Soviet version. They love interiors, films of that time, and it was important for them to create an appropriate mood in an apartment — Moscow in the 30s – 40s of the 20th century.
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