Morocco in russian format

Fashion-TV caffe "Марокана" в центре Киева Munia Benyachem

Passing the gallery

A photo: Alexey Reydalov

Text: Nina Farizova

Designer: Munia Benyachem

Magazine: N1 (79) 2004

Fashion-TV caffe Marokana, recently opened in the center of Kiev (Lesi Ukrainki Boulevard, 24) has already become fashionable and popular in the city. Wrought openwork lattices and thin wooden carving, silk curtains, low oriental sofas with colorful pillows in a la sheikh style, bar stools upholstered in morocco - all this contributes to the recognition of the style from which the whole of Europe continues, the Ukraine is no exception. From the "orange paradise" brought most of the components of the interior: from the silver sugar bowls and hookahs to the tables of copper coinage. The pride of the "Moroccans" is the designer kitchen equipment, where they bake their own bread and prepare special desserts from exotic fruits. Trendy music in the style of lounge, Russian format parties and Fashion TV is a similar set, according to French decorator Munie Benyach, "not only conveys the spirit and beauty of Morocco, but also destroys existing stereotypes about restaurant room design."