Марсель вандерс

Alphabet of baroque style and new words in design. About the creative method of Marcel Wanders

Passing the gallery

Magazine: (107)

Collection New Antiques from CAPPELLINIcarved computer tables for MOOOIChandelier Zeppelin for FLOS - these landmark for the design of the 2000s non-arched things came up with the designer Marcel Wanders. Philip Stark called him the most interesting designer of our time, and, undoubtedly, Marcel Wanders is the ideologue and inspirer of the latest baroque. With that, he manages to do and minimalist collections for POLIFORM and B&B ITALIA. And in general, with Mozartian ease works in different styles. "The most significant motivation for me at work is the desire to make life a masterpiece. Thus, my biggest work is my life," he says. Wanders' design is entertaining and provocative. Back in the 90s, it began to entertain and provoke with the help of a blatantly glamorous mixture of historical and modern styles. Philip Stark. Marcel Wanders, who calls Stark almost his idol, says the need to mix old and new: "Today's design is too modern, people no longer perceive it. Just like modern composers, for example, they write music that is impossible to listen to. Our innovations in the field of form have become difficult for perception, the public no longer distinguishes them. Therefore, I strive not only to use new technologies, but also to return the beauty that was characteristic of the distant past. " Wanders works with forms that are universal and understandable, he calls them archetypes - samples, prototypes. Wanders uses elements of the Baroque style as the alphabet, while writing new words. The design by Wanders is inter-aged, able to please not only the typical urban dandy, but also his grandmother. As he himself says, "the design world is too focused on youth, and I remember that I have a mother, and she should like my things."