Manege square, №1

15,000 visitors, 25 events, 34 award ceremonies

Passing the gallery

A photo: Dmitry Livshits, Sergey Morgunov

Text: Oksana Kashenko

Magazine: Na (124) 2008

From 13 to 17 November in Moscow, in the Manezh, in the framework of the 19th exhibition "Furniture" состоялся первый в Россandand Московскandй международный салон "ИНТЕРЬЕР ШОУ"

Salon "INTERIOR SHOW" is a special project in every sense. He united several unique events and exhibitions, which I would like to talk about in more detail.

Manege this week was the epicenter of the design life of Moscow: here you could meet architects and designers from Italy, France, Germany, Portugal, Spain, Finland and even Japan. Fashion designers and furniture makers, decorators and florists, artists and real estate experts ... ISIS собрал под одной крышей лучшandх спецandалandстов в областях разных, но нацеленных на одно - на созданandе for real exclusive, luxurious interiors.

The program of each day of the Salon’s work was so dense that it seemed that there was not enough time and energy for the exhibition itself. And the exhibition itself was worth a lot! In the beautiful spacious hall of the Manege there were presented kitchens and bedrooms, cabinets and living rooms, dining rooms and bathrooms not in the form of furniture, but ... in the form of finished interiors from the best world manufacturers. Fans of fashion brands waited for a fantastic surprise - interiors from FENDI CASA and ARMANI CASA, carpets from VIVIENNE WESTWOOD and PAUL SMITH, home textiles and porcelain from CACHAREL ... In the "Museum of Design" were presented collectible interior items of companies FIAM ITALIA, VITRA, HERMES, LALIQUE

At the photo exhibition "Heritage. Moscow Embassy through the prism of facades and interiors," you could see photos of the embassy residences, as well as the ambassadors themselves ... And throughout the whole week many unique activities - workshops, business conferences флорandстandческandй фестandваль, "Architectural Award", architectural forum, professional competitions, VIP-shows ... In general, everything worked out!

Partners ISIS: "AA AutoForum", Mercedes-Benz, Remy Martin, Simple, Evian, Iberi, Starlight, High Light, Hermes"Konfael" Samsung Electronics, Ahmad Tea, Saeco, Gofrostal

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