The concept of the new Moscow restaurant "Don Pedro" (Spiridonevsky Lane, 9) has found clear outlines for the completion of construction. Even the idea of the name came to the owners at the last moment, almost before the discovery. Circumstance, as a rule, for the success of a new institution is destructive. Don Pedro turned out to be a happy exception: at first glance, the abstract criteria (the kitchen should be tasty, the interior should be cozy, unobtrusive and fun) worked. The restaurant turned out quite harmonious and conceptually complete. Customers formulated the architect “Don Pedro” only one wish - the interior should be “masculine”, i.e. fit the menu, in which a lot of meat dishes, which involves large portions and does not imply counting calories by visitors. The author of "Don Pedro" Maxim Samoilov-Babin was not limited by anything except the sanitary standards established for catering facilities, and the budget, and proceeded from the characteristics of the room. Before the reconstruction, the on-site restaurant was a chamber cinema of the Marco Polo hotel. With a relatively small area there are high (about five meters) ceilings. In order to justify such a space-planning solution and “not to lose height,” the architect turned to castle aesthetics. So there were heavy decorative rafters, gothic falsified windows, a chimney zone with a high hearth. On brick walls, partially painted with gold paint, they hung standards and a symbol of self-sufficiency and male impermanence - golden figures of cats in frivolous poses. There is in Dona Pedro and almost a private zone - a tiny gallery above the bar for the owners of the place and their friends. It turned out to be a funny, cozy place where the game of real men will not offend the most radical feminists, because after a good cuisine the main element in this game is self-irony.