The residence of the French kings in the suburbs of Paris — at Versailles — is the most famous palace in the world. And, if I may say so, the most beloved of all. Palace of Palaces, All-Palace

Magazine: de Luxe Classic N2 2014
Built on a gigantic territory, which absorbed the lion's share of the then French budget, Versailles has forever become an inimitable model, a dream realized, a living miracle, a myth that has come true. In fact, who among us did not exclaim at the sight of some interior deserving respectful amazement: “But this is Versailles!” not Versailles ... ”So, Versailles, as the beginning of beginnings, as a standard, as an archetype and all-palace — what is behind this? What do we have today this monument of luxury and prosperity of a foreign country, kings that are not native to us?
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