Polina Griffis, singer, composer

Magazine: Na (212) 2016
Polina Griffis, singer, composer
I am a fan of classical architecture. For me, it is something special. If I hadn’t started making music in my time, I would have definitely entered the architectural institute. Previously, my house was in the so-called industrial, or industrial, style. There were brutal doors, many metal structures ... But you quickly get tired of this, and now Provence reigns in my house. The interior is monochrome, light. When I come home, it is like plunging into a white cloud — it is so soothing and pacifying. most choose items that store the energy of the past. I already have a whole collection of cute and pleasant things: old grandmother's dressers, cupboards, lace napkins ... All this creates a unique atmosphere at home with history. And, most importantly, he does not bother. I am very comfortable composing music in such an environment. In general, it seems to me, it is so important what your interior is, in what space you live. If it is harmonious, suits you, positively affects your inner state, it means that you have found your ideal home. Recently, I participated in the project “Exactly” on Channel One. In it, all participants depict famous musicians of the past and present. The process is creative. At first, the image seemed alien, I even remembered my first interior and realized how it did not fit me, did not reflect my way of life and my inner world. And then I understood: it is very important for me to find what is close to me, what personally catches me in this person, and then everything falls into place. ”
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