Interview with the leading designer of the furniture company SELVA

Interview prepared: Olga Korotkova
Magazine: N10 (110) 2006
At the Milan Furniture Fair
SALON: As far as I understand, Heritage is a rethinking of the classic theme, its modern interpretation.
- Yes, it is absolutely accurate. I started working with
S: And what is he, a modern man?
- Once we started with the program Downtown. Now at the Milan exhibition premiere of the Heritage collection. These collections, yes, are very different. It would seem that. But the concept is such that if you put a table with chairs and a showcase from one collection in the living room, and organize a corner from the collection in another part of the room, a different situation is obtained. Namely: the living space begins to sound in different voices, to express different moods. And modern man, in my opinion, is exactly that. It is diverse, impulsive, active, sharply individual. And the interior should express this individuality and diversity of what is happening in a person. "Non-standard" of his personality. This is what I consider the main feature of modern man - his creative attitude to life ... The fashion for materials and finishes changes from year to year. We use natural wood - a tribute to the classical tradition. For example, Heritage is made from cherry. In this case, the finishes - according to the most modern technologies. We paint the same cherry gray, silver, 45 shades of brown ...
S: And what is your home situation?
- I live in a house that is older than me. I have wooden floors painted white. And I combine antiques with ultramodern ones. I really like. (Laughs)
S: What age category do you design furniture for?
- Wrong question. (Laughs) This furniture is for people who aim to be happy, creative, live in a modern space and look into the future!