Long live victoria!

Salon of English furniture and interiors Richmond (Moscow) Petr Yushin

Passing the gallery

A photo: Sergey Morgunov, Ekaterina Morgunov

Leading headings: Nina Farizova

Architect: Peter Yushin

Magazine: N11 (89) 2004

Classic furniture does not tolerate empty space. As if confirming this fact, recently opened in Moscow Salon English furniture and interiors Richmond (Leningradskoye sh., furniture center "Grand-2") is designed in almost orthodox Victorian style. The small compartments resemble small rooms, where pieces of furniture are arranged as they should be located in an English house. Dark maroon and green wallpaper, a large number of accessories give the "density" and saturation of the space. In this interior, you must sit at the old oak desk, turn on the lamp under the lampshade and reread Dickens.