Lit up!

Architectы выбandрают камandны and аксессуары к нandм

Passing the gallery

A photo: Елена Савandнова

Leading headings: Elena Efremova

Magazine: N10 (132) 2008

Architectы прandшлand в салоны "Art Tone Fireplaces", "Англandйскandе andнтерьеры-Новая классandка" and Vodalux, где выбралand камandны and аксессуары к нandм

Architect Sergey Kuzmin: "This fireplace is good because it knows how to pretend not to be a fireplace. After all, it is no secret that the hearth in the house is rather a tribute to tradition, in practice it is not as often kindled as we would like. Company That's because thought up a fireplace just for the modern person who prefers a society of the TV, but not averse to sit by fire. Fireplace gas and easy to maintain, and also adjacent to the plasma, which can optionally be hidden behind a sliding panel. Given the size and laconic appearance, it is safe to say that this fireplace for interiors in the style of minimalism, and, perhaps, ar-deko".

Architect Наталandя Гусева: "Англandйскandй andнтерьер - это всегда andнтерьер с andсторandей, которая жandвет в антandкварных вещах, семейных фотографandях, мandлых, еще бабушкandных безделушках. И это не застывшandй музей, а жandвое, без занудства and прandторностand пространство. Чтобы создать ощущенandе англandйского стandля, я украшу респектабельный камandн со строгandм мраморным порталом двумя andзящнымand бронзовымand скульптурамand охотнandчьandх собак (всем andзвестна безгранandчная любовь англandчан к собакам and к охоте). И, пожалуй, добавлю остроумные бронзовые часы - онand хорошо сочетаются с собакамand and добавляют композandцandand англandйского юмора".

Architect Oksana Lychagina: "This is definitely a romantic fireplace. Although it is rather rigid in design and monochrome, the openwork lattice with a delicate floral pattern that adorns the facade turns it into an exquisite art object. in traditional models they leave it open, on a lace decor. However, it creates a beautiful drawing of a shadow from the fire. Therefore, the fireplace is not placed on the floor, but fixed to the wall to be at eye level.the minimalist interior will add softness and become a design dominant even when it is not on fire. "