Karaoke on the waterfront

Voice Club in Moscow Vadim Nikitin, Elena Perova, Yuri Perov

Passing the gallery

A photo: Kirill Ovchinnikov

Leading headings: Nina Farizova

Architect: Elena Perova, Vadim Nikitin, Yuri Perov

Metal Works: George Tsakhnakiya

Painter: Dmitry Trofimov

Magazine: N1 (90) 2005

The patriarchal hotel, the officer’s canteen, the karaoke club Voice - this is the evolutionary path of the old Moscow building at Sofiiskaya Embankment, 34. The facade itself and the inner vaults remained from previous times, but the design and “intellectual” content exactly corresponds to the specified time - karaoke time. In each of the three halls of the club, you can sing as much as you like, without fear of hearing those who try their vocals in the adjacent rooms. The acoustics are thought out to the smallest detail: ceiling vaults draped with Italian silk, special fabric and materials for wall coverings, well-defined space for large screens and a stage. The lower hall of the Voice is designed for family singing, therefore, the area is smaller and there is more seclusion. English red and gold are the main colors of the entire karaoke club. Who has a "color ear", probably should know that this combination is typical for light major melodies.