700 m2 house

Text: Julia Sakharova
A photo: Dmitry Zheltikov
Magazine: de Luxe Classic N2 2013
The owners wanted the interior of their country house to be saturated with objects, cozy. They chose English from several classical styles, but they wanted to adapt it somewhat, to make it more suitable for today's life. They wanted, for example, to find a place in the interior of things brought from travels. So that the interior was sunny, and the furniture looked as if it had been selected for several generations. And now, when the project is completed, the owners are proud that their home looks at the level of the best examples of English and American design schools. Firstly, because of the layout: all the rooms of the first - main - floor are compactly assembled around a spacious hall, which you enter from a small hallway. Secondly, in foggy Albion, the radiant bright yellow color of the walls is considered a proven interior remedy against fogs, smog, and bad weather: it lights up the interior from the inside.
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