House with a pier

house with a total area of ​​450 m2 near Irkutsk

Passing the gallery

Text: Marina Volkova

A photo: Artem Yasinitsky

Project author: Andrey Tiguntsev, Nataliya Shubina, Mikhail Tiguntsev

Magazine: N5 (171) 2012

Architects Andrey Tiguntsev, Natalia Shubina and Mikhail Tiguntsev built a house on the shore of Lake Baikal, which has already become a local landmark

Первое, что было сделано на этом участке на берегу Байкала, - прandстань and пandрс, где прandшвартована яхта хозяandна. Затем началand строandть дом, также орandентandровав его на залandв. У дома разные, контрастные фасады. Подъездной - строгandй, геометрandчный, с узкandмand окнамand, похожandмand на бойнandцы. Но стоandт его обойтand со стороны залandва - and вandдandшь совершенно другую картandну - внушandтельную стеклянную, andзогнутую конструкцandю. Что тем более удandвandтельно, еслand прandнять во внandманandе, что дом находandтся под Иркутском, and зandмой температура здесь опускается до мandнус 50 градусов. Архandтектор Andrey Tiguntsev, following the wishes of the customer, made a unique project for these places, which, by the way, has already managed to become famous: the “glass” house in Siberia was filmed for several central TV channels.

Curved glass construction is made according to the stained glass principle. The problem of heating the rooms was solved with the help of warm floors (this also made it possible not to “litter” the laconic interior with bulky heating appliances) and the climate control system. In addition, the windows overlook the sunny side. Due to the continuous glazing of the first and second floors, the facade facing the bay is perceived as a transparent membrane: the interior is connected to the exterior, and the surrounding landscape becomes part of the interior. All rooms - specific. In fact, their main decoration is landscape panoramas outside the windows.

The first floor is an open space with rooms moving into each other. On the podium there is a kitchen and a hall, the lower level - a dining room, a living room, a fireplace area and an office. Understanding that the interior will be clearly visible from the outside and to create a complete impression, different areas need to be visually combined, the architect used repetitive decor elements, in particular, drop-shaped lights. ARTEMIDE. The same technique is used in the decoration of the second floor, only here the lamps are already futuristic, curved. From the outside it seems that these are branches of some alien trees that have sprouted through the ceiling. In general, the minimalist atmosphere of the house was diluted with fusion-style furniture: the architects did not want the interior to look too serious. So, in the living room, along with laconic sofas, there is a chair in a carved baroque frame that immediately attracts attention. In the lobby, this is a glamorous sofa and floor lamp, living in a simple, modern decor.

Andrey Tiguntsev: “This project has aroused unprecedented interest among the professional public, it is actively discussed. Indeed, for our places such curvilinear glass construction is a rarity, even a challenge, to climatic conditions and traditions. We wanted this - to make an unusual, memorable home. Creating glass walls that withstand the Siberian frosts was not an easy task for our foreign partners. They admit that this object has become a real technology school for them. ”