House in the village

design studio Contesi near Moscow Eliso Prilepskaya

Passing the gallery

A photo: Evgeny Luchin

Leading headings: Nina Farizova

Designer: Elis Prilep

Magazine: N1 (90) 2005

To find yourself in a fairy-tale world with a table set for guests, a burning fireplace and a beautifully decorated Christmas tree, you need to go to the village of Valuevo, near Moscow, and cross the threshold of house number 6. Writing an exact definition of this space is quite difficult: it is a house and a restaurant , and a design studio, and even a store of interior items. All parts and accessories are designed by Contesi designers who strive to create the life style they create that evoke feelings of "restraint, dignity, nobility and inspiration". The interrelation of objects in this "exhibition" house is so inseparable that it is not clear how this or that thing can exist one without the other. However, this is all intended: if a fireplace, then necessarily burning candles in the author's candlesticks; if the table is laid, then with a specially designed design.