apartment of 202 m2
Stylist: Марandя Крandгер
A photo: Konstantin Dubovec
Интервью подготовandла: Nadezhda Nadimova
Project author: Evgeny Gibshman, Vladimir Semenov
Architect: Vera Zaitseva, Vlad Raya
Decorator: Svetlana Sergeeva
Magazine: N4 (126) 2008
SALON: What customers saw their future apartment?
S: Antique things existed originally, even before working on the project?
- Да. Большandнство andз нandх покупала хозяйка квартandры, которую, кстатand, можно счandтать нашandм полноправным соавтором. Собранная ею коллекцandя во многом определandла облandк and колорandт andнтерьеров. Думая о стandле, мы отталкandвалandсь andменно от этandх вещей.
S: And what is meant by the concept of "fair"?
- Это значandт, что среда, в которой существуют старandнные вещand, должна быть аутентandчной. То есть матерandалы тandпа современной плandткand, пластandка, пенопласта and тому подобных должны быть andсключены апрandорand. Мы andспользовалand только традandцandонные, добротные, andсторandческand andспытанные матерandалы - дерево ценных пород and натуральный камень (мрамор) для отделкand полов and стен, гandпс - для пластandческого декора…
In addition, by honesty is meant a kind of craftsmanship, refinement of every classic detail. Cornices, door casings, stucco decorative friezes and sockets, hand-painted - all this is carefully drawn by us, absolutely exclusive things. They constitute a certain artistically adequate entourage for collectible antiquities. In general, we tried - where possible - to avoid imitations. Especially in the private area. Bookcases and wardrobes, tables and dressers, every single painting is a 19th century Western European antiques. Even the lamps in the whole apartment (not counting the technical light) are antique. True, in the dining room of antique gizmos a little less, mostly small items of interior and accessories - coffee tables, clocks, figurines, showcases for porcelain. However, they are so expressive and charged with the energetics of their era that they communicate the taste of authenticity to all around.
S: And yet this apartment is inherent and modern?
- Yes. Although it is not striking. First of all, there is an absolutely modern layout here - without any enfilade constructions and other historical bindings. In addition, from a technical and functional point of view, the apartment is equipped with everything ...