Here is a movie!

"Gallery of the most home theaters" workshop "BUSHE" Interior "Gallery of the most home theaters", subject to the laws of sound. Room with antique furniture, antique and modern accessories

Passing the gallery

Text: Nadezhda Serebryakova

A photo: Evgeny Matveev

Magazine: N10 (44) 2000

The Gallery of Home Cinemas (Kutuzovsky Prospect, 26) is the only one in Moscow that has an interior completely subordinated to the laws of sound. But this is not a half-empty cinema hall, but a homely room with antique furniture, antique and modern accessories. Everything here is subject to a common idea: to enhance the effect of ultramodern sound systems. Some objects, such as glass, tend to reflect the sound. Others, on the contrary, absorb it - these are soft fabrics, fluffy carpets on the floor. Whitewashed walls are characterized by the ability to "breathe", and antique objects - plates, jugs, vases - placed on wooden beams, also influence sound in their own way. High ceilings of the main hall made it possible to build a mezzanine gallery. This, in fact, is the cinema. The image is projected on the opposite wall, and the sound is distributed at the gallery level so that those below can work and talk quietly even during the film. Even the original composition that meets the visitor at the entrance also serves as a general idea. In the form of stones made stereo speakers. A staircase leading to the next room, the shape and decoration resembles a huge sink, carrying the distant sound of the sea. The authors of the interior preached the idea that home theaters are not “monsters” at all, requiring huge rooms. They can accommodate almost any space.