Kiev apartment with an area of 225 m2

A photo: Andrey Avdeenko
Text: Boris Andreev
Project author: Sergey Makhno
Magazine: (174) 2012
The reconstruction of the apartment with a total area of 225 square meters, located in the Kiev residential complex "Triumph", was aimed at planning separate rooms for four children of different ages and a bedroom for parents. Thus, on the plan, the architect cut off pieces of the territory from the spacious hall and the open guest zone.
The layout turned out to be cruciform: a longitudinal spatial axis resting on a rounded panoramic window forms a hall-living room bundle, and the transverse one forms a hall and children's bedrooms on the left and right of it. In the depths of the apartment are designed the parental room and another children's, as well as a guest area, including a kitchen-dining room and a living room with a sofa group. Usually ceremonial, common rooms seem to preface the interior, and private ones hide behind them, but in this case the author did otherwise. It can be assumed that the initial configuration of the dwelling pushed them towards making such a decision. Agree, it would be a mistake not to use one hundred percent large, panoramic window - the main source of daylight. In other words, the guest area, organized according to the loft principle, was formed under the influence of this bay window. “The residential complex is built on an elevation, and picturesque views are opened from the windows. The whole city is in full view, ”says the author
The project in question has another feature. Customers were initially set up to furnish an apartment with furniture of an Italian company.
“Customers targeted us to natural materials,” recalls
Project author, по его собственному признанию, не хотел загонять себя в рамки одного стиля. В своих творческих исканиях он двигался от функции к форме, от целесообразности к оригинальности, от универсальности к уникальности. Как показала практика, выбранный путь привел его к намеченной цели.
Project author