Gently sleep

Master class representative of the company RECTICEL Markus Voitgen

Passing the gallery

A photo: Sergey Morgunov, Elizaveta Yakhno

Materials prepared: Anna Gorbunova

Magazine: (158)

At the Moscow International Salon "Show Interior" –2010 November 27 was declared Family Day. The master classes that took place on this day were dedicated to healthy and comfortable sleep.

The representative of the company RECTICEL (global manufacturer of mattresses Schlaraffia) Markus Voitgen (Markus Veutgen) told the audience about how a properly selected mattress affects the health of a person. The long-term cooperation of the company with medical and research institutes has resulted in a huge collection of Schlaraffia polyurethane mattresses designed for the physiological characteristics of a person of any age.