Vacation or weekend is a great time to relax in the country and breathe in the fresh air.
Nowadays, more and more people prefer just such a rest to a seat in a stuffy apartment.
This is not surprising - after leaving the city, you can enjoy beautiful sunsets, drink delicious tea with herbs, wrapped in a blanket in absolute harmony with nature.
These beautiful moments of life can be experienced, gently swaying in the rocking chair on the veranda, but what if you do not have a veranda? Build it, and do it yourself.
||Веранда на даче своими руками-->Веранда на даче своими руками
Veranda at the cottage - order or build yourself
The veranda is an integral part of comfortable living outside the city. There are two ways to organize a veranda: to turn to professionals or to do it yourself. Ordering production is definitely a less energy-intensive way - you just need to find a company that matches your wallet and requests. If you decide on independent actions, you will have to work.
What is a veranda?
Before starting work it is necessary to understand what a veranda is from the point of view of the builder. It's all pretty simple: in fact, this is an ordinary extension. One of the sides of the future veranda will be the wall of the house, the rest of the building will be glazed. We describe the process of building a veranda in a country house with a three-sloped roof device covered with roofing material.
Why is it recommended to build a veranda with a glazed exterior?
- Firstly, thanks to the glass, sunlight will freely pass into the room; accordingly, your veranda will be the lightest room in the house. And if it is warmed and heated, it can be used as a winter garden.
- Secondly, glazing is an excellent solution for those who do not like restrictions and do not accept cramping.
- Thirdly, the veranda, being an external building, will prevent the passage of extraneous sounds and noises into the main rooms of the house.
How to build a veranda in the country
The simplest option for the construction of a veranda is the assembly of a structure from already prepared elements. We have previously offered you a version of a veranda with a triangular roof and a side door, which is what we will consider in the future. All the elements we need (windows of the door, timber, roofing material) can be ordered or bought in the store.
Veranda frame
Veranda frame-->Framing the veranda Beginning the construction of the veranda, like any other structure, follows with selecting and clearing the place where you plan to build it.
It is necessary to outline the places to which the veranda will join the house and the foundation. Reliable fastening to an existing structure will significantly reduce the load on the attachment fasteners.
Veranda frame-->The frame of the verandaThe frame of the veranda can be made of timber, brick or metal profile, we will look at the last option in detail. So, the basis of the frame structure will be metal racks, the number of which may vary depending on the characteristics of your building. The most reliable way to fasten them is to screw onto a concrete base with the help of corners.
Having fastened the stands you can begin to build the base of the frame, for our purposes the following materials are ideal: bars, logs or bricks.
Veranda frame-->Veranda frameВыбор материала полностью зависит от вас, но мы бы рекомендовали выбрать брус. Из брусьев сооружаем верхнюю обвязку, укладывая брусья сверху на торцы стоек. Скрепление элементов лучше всего производить при помощи специальных саморезов или стягивать болтами. Нижняя обвязка должна быть уложена на поверхность основания, которую следует предварительно проложить слоем толя или рубероида, технология ее укладки схожа с предыдущей.
Veranda frame-->The frame of the verandaIn the side wall where the door is to be positioned, the vertical bar should be fixed with metal corners - it will be a jamb in the door frame and will additionally strengthen the construction.
Then on the racks you need to cut grooves - they will rest on the ends of the window sill. The position of the grooves must be calculated based on the window frames you have ordered. The difference between the sizes of window sills and the width of the windows should not exceed 30 millimeters.
Self-tapping screws will be the main means of fastening crossbars and window sills.
In the case of choosing a brick as the main material for the construction of walls, all your actions will be no different from the usual construction of brick.
As part of this article, the construction process is described briefly. We recommend to get acquainted with the analytical material - how to attach the veranda to the house, where all the stages, from A to Z, from the project to the finishing works are considered in detail.
Covering the bottom of the veranda
Veranda trim-->Veranda trimМонтаж кровли и обшивка стен - два не связанных, в технологическом плане, друг с другом процесса, поэтому их очередность не имеет значения. Сейчас рынок буквально кишит различными материалами для обшивки. Выбор ограничивается только вашими средствами и фантазией. Наиболее простым в использовании материалом являются доски на одном торце которых отфрезерован шип, а на другом паз.
Covering such boards is not difficult even for a novice builder. When choosing a material, we advise first of all to take into account the heat and sound insulation qualities of the material, and only then its appearance and price.
Roof veranda
Veranda roof-->Veranda roofУстраивая кровлю, следует в первую очередь руководствоваться требованиями безопасности – нередки случаи, когда из-за неправильно подобранного материала (слишком тяжелый, хрупкий, быстро разрушается) происходило обрушение кровли.
Ridge cant is one of the basic elements; it should be fixed only horizontally, the most suitable means for this are dowels.
The corner plays a huge role. the range of roofing materials that can be used to cover the roof will depend on this. The connection of the ridge bar with strapping occurs with the help of rafters, the most suitable type of wood for this is larch. Next comes the installation of the roof itself, the subtleties of this process are determined by the material chosen by you.
Windows and doors
These elements should be installed very carefully and without haste, using the level as often as possible, so that later nothing has to be redone.
There are several ways to install: using screws, foam and hidden installation. The easiest way is to do it with foam.
Finishing work
Prior to the start of finishing works, it is worth prioritizing what will be the most significant for you: the appearance of the building, thermal insulation or low cost. In our opinion, the most important parameter is thermal insulation, given our harsh climate, it becomes not a luxury, but a necessity. Putty, paint and other materials should also be selected, considering first of all their durability and quality, and not cheapness. If you decide to build a veranda, then it is better to do it right away and well, so you don’t have to think about where and what you need to pay for, and sit with your family in the heat and enjoy hot tea.
It’s not so difficult to make a veranda yourself, but there are many factors that are quite difficult for a layperson to take into account. It will be reasonable before starting construction to seek advice from friends who have already encountered similar problems - they will be able to give you sensible advice. Starting from the subtleties of strengthening the foundation and ending with the type of paint that will be most suitable for processing various surfaces.
If you do not feel confident in your abilities and you do not have the money to hire a team of professionals - it is worth considering the option of building a terrace. Of course, it should be understood that the terrace at the dacha is likely to be cheaper, however, there are also some pitfalls here. In addition, it is worth noting that there are many types and types of verandas, we have described only one of them.
Construction of a veranda - video instruction
Veranda at the cottage - photo device options
||Veranda at the cottage of metal profiles-->Veranda at the cottage of metal profiles ||Веранда на даче своими руками-->
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Frame porch at the cottage