Fruits of labor

The idea of ​​a “delicious” birthday came to the daughters of the customer, and the decorator and florist Yulia Shakirova developed it to a large-scale design

Passing the gallery

Magazine: (195) 2014

The idea of ​​a “delicious” birthday came to the daughters of the customer, and the decorator and florist Yulia Shakirova developed it to a large-scale design.

This harvest festival was invented by florist Yulia Shakirova. For the birthday party in the park of a country mansion, she picked up various seasonal fruits and vegetables. Of these, compositions were created, distributed between two thematic parts: a welcome – zone at the entrance to the park and a banquet space around the terrace where the orchestra was located. The main ones were placed on the tables and on the improvised bar counter.

Julia used bright flowers: orchids, peonies, roses, hydrangeas. But the title theme was elements from fruits and vegetables: at the entrance — columns from corn cobs, on the tables — halves of watermelons (both by themselves and as vases for bouquets), on the bar counter — balls from berries. Julia says that the daughters of the owner really wanted to give her dad a sweet summer birthday, and to bring this idea to life, she created this unusual flower-fruit mix.

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