Project author: Alexandra Gatenyan, Ekaterina Chaykovskaya
Magazine: N1 (134) 2009
Peppino - so tenderly and with love in Italy, it is customary to call those who bear the name of Giuseppe. The atmosphere in the new restaurant Peppino also turned out to be home-like warm, almost family-friendly, disposed to unhurried meals and long conversations over a glass of good Italian wine.
Tells Alexandra Gatenyan: "Initially, the Angelikos restaurant was in this room. The customer asked us to redo the space to create a cozy, homely Italian trattoria. The walls themselves helped us. Because the building in which the 19th century Peppino is located. It is an old mansion with brick walls. The first thing we did was to clear them, because from the very beginning we decided to leave the original brick of the XIX century, and then painted it in bright colors. To make the space more “warm” and cozy, some walls were sewn up with natural wood. Kie plaster and wooden profiles on the ceilings and on the fireplace. One of the founders of the Peppino restaurant is an collector of antiques. in the form of a cast-iron lattice. On the terrace overlooking the old Moscow courtyard, thanks to the green shutters, the sunny terracotta color of the walls and light wicker furniture turned out to be a small corner of Italy in the center of Moscow. "
Кухня в Peppino italian. Шеф-повар ресторана Алессандро Фарчи родился и вырос на Сардинии, так что любой посетитель сможет заказать здесь какое-нибудь типично сардинское блюдо, например ньоккитини (разновидность пасты) с домашними свиными колбасками, шафраном и томатами под соусом из базилика или шатобриан - нежный стейк из говядины Ангус, приготовленный на гриле. А карпаччо из манго с имбирным соусом, безе с горячей клубникой, домашние конфеты, печенье или трюфели с настоящим трюфельным маслом станут отличным завершающим десертным аккордом обеда или ужина в Peppino.
Address: Moscow, B. Karetny per., 6, p. 1Underground: "Tsvetnoy Boulevard", "Trubnaya", "Pushkinskaya"Work schedule: daily from 12:00 until the last guestPhone: (495) 699-4503, 699-9171Restaurant site: www.peppinorestoran.ruFeatures: banquets and private partiesEntrance: freeCredit cards: MasterCard/Eurocard, VisaMusic: background, jazzPre order: for groupsentertainment: live piano music is played on FridaysLocation: CentreKitchen: italianSuggestions: home delivery, wine list