Moscow apartment with an area of 92 m2

A photo: Dmitry Livshits
Interview prepared: Olga Vologdina
Project author: Tatyana Smirnova
Architect: Sergey Kostikov
The painting: Evgenia Shulyak, Valery Arkhipov
Magazine: (119)
When the customer asked to recreate the interior of Wabi exactly, I suggested to her to decide: if you want the same apartment, then this is not for me. If I do it, it will be completely different, with a different mood, but in the same style, ”says Tatiana. - The interior is not born by itself, it arises from the structure of space, from the emotions and sensations that it causes, and most importantly, depends on who will live in it. I did not have long to convince her, and we began work on the project. The only thing she couldn’t refuse is a hieroglyph on the ceiling in the bathroom. But as a result, its value has changed. If there he meant "admiring simplicity," here "calming down." Although in general the meaning is the same - harmony. Only in this we repeated, and everything else - a new image and a unique decor. "
SALON: Both apartments are black and white, Japanese allusions are read at a glance. What, then, distinguishes them from each other?
- Firstly, that apartment was made for a man, and therefore it turned out to be winter in mood, in scale and in essence. We called it "Winter". In the same interior, the main idea is autumn. When I first came to the object, golden autumn reigned in Moscow, from the large panoramic windows there was a stunning view of the entire bend of the Moscow River. I literally flew over this orange-red sea and, I remember, was so inspired by the landscape that I decided to pass on my mood. And it didn’t affect the color decision. The total gamma is reserved monochrome with gold splashes. The main figurative theme is an unusual decor in the form of a circle, which symbolizes the sunset into the water, into the waves. Entering the house, the first thing you see is a bird's-eye river. And through the panoramic windows the natural light floods the whole room from morning until late evening. And the beauty is that the light falls in spots, sometimes red from sunset, now piercingly sharp from the sun. In addition, it is quite a Japanese theme. Japan is the Land of the Rising Sun, and we have the apartment of the setting sun. The central composition on the ceiling is a circle that refracts on a vertical surface and creates the effect of a moving shadow.
S: Tell us about the planning decision.
- The apartment did not have any partitions, only two supporting columns and panoramic windows. The area is small, and it was logical to place the living area along the line of windows. In addition, we tried to create a sense of spaciousness. Despite the ease of planning, the apartment has everything for a comfortable life.
S: When working with Japanese style, did you focus on traditional canons?
- In contrast to the medieval modern Japanese urban architecture solves several other problems. Dear land, austerity on everything, fullness of technology. And since we set ourselves the goal of creating a calm, harmonious apartment, we gradually came to a more traditional imaginative series. After all, initially the Japanese house is a pavilion of four walls. Inside, everything moves apart, retracts, transforms. And the maximum task - to stay in the perimeter, open nature. Our interior is also built on the principles of the house-pavilion.
S: You have two completed apartments in the Japanese style, the third is under construction. Do you like this architecture so much?
- Of course, I work not only with the Japanese style. Just when customers come to me with such wishes, I do not refuse. And I say that you will have a Japanese apartment, but it will not be at all what you imagine it to be. Let me surprise you. The new interior will be no worse and no better, it will be with its theme. For example, in the third apartment "Spring" we set ourselves a super-idea: there will be no direct quotes, there will be no hieroglyphs, in general, all the hackneyed stereotypes. And yet what kind of Japanese it turns out in the spirit! In the future I would like to complete the series "The Seasons". It remains only to find a customer for "Summer". So welcome.
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