Echoes of the past

рижское кафе "Velvet" Andis Silis Интерьер кафе Velvet, созданный с помощью декоративных приемов, напоминающий об утонченном времени 20-х годов Европы

Passing the gallery

A photo: Eugene Luchin

Text: Nadezhda Serebryakova

Architect: Andis Silis

Magazine: N10 (44) 2000

A reminder of the harsh but sophisticated time of the 20s in Europe, the modern style, the gentlemen with canes and elegant ladies present in the light and bright Riga Velvet cafe (Riga, Skarnu, 9). Let's reveal some secrets. The arch, which you see in the picture, only seems to be metal, but in fact its entire upper part is made of cardboard and painted to look like metal. The shed above the bench and tables, the construction of the bar counter, and the "heavy" metal plates in the window decoration are made in the same way. Peeling wall plaster, behind which ancient ornaments are hidden, is also a highly professional imitation. An interesting effect is produced by a wall with a photographic image of the interior of a French cafe with frozen portraits of people who once visited it. Functionally, it separates the hall for visitors from the wardrobe. So, with the help of decorative methods, or rather decorations, props, an interior is created, which seems to keep the secrets of the past, where, along with real characters, the spirits of former visitors inhabit.