Digitize all

Pixel design

Passing the gallery

A photo: Ivan Sorokin, - the press services

Leading headings: Marina Volkova

Magazine: N11 (166) 2011

Designers make virtual reality quite tangible by decorating furniture and accessories with computer pixel images.

The hero of the film “Social Network”, dedicated to the emergence of Facebook, predicts that soon we will all live on the Internet. And he seems to be right. Our life, our leisure time, our social circle are inconceivable without computer technology, and now our home. Previously, it was only about the regulation of support systems with the help of appropriate systems and touch-panels. Now, Internet motives are interpreted literally: it is proposed to furnish the house with furniture with prints in the form of multi-colored pixels, mirrors, tables and accessories, the design of which refers to this basic element of virtual reality. An electronic, digital image is built up of pixels: the denser they fit together, the clearer the image. Designers of the furniture just like the sparse version, when each square is visible, written out and painted in its own color. In computer terminology, this effect is called graininess and is considered highly undesirable. But in the interior, on the contrary, only welcome. The colors are chosen mostly bright and contrasting, so that the print looks more impressive.

An example of such a digital decor is a wall clock from the recent collection of the French brand. ROSET LINE with the characteristic name Pixel, the sofa of the Italian brand BIESSE, shown at the last exhibition in Milan, and a mosaic of Crazy brands TREND - on such a design it is time to go crazy!