Marine theme in the interior

A photo: Evgeny Luchin, Ivan Sorokin, Elena Savina, - the press services
Leading headings: Marina Volkova
Magazine: Press (163) 2011
Bright, spectacular corals people have long liked. Especially love their jewelers. The real coral boom began in the XVII century - the masters were attracted by the picturesque natural form of these organisms. Along with “baroque” (irregular, fantasy) pearls decorated with precious cups and caskets, made them earrings and pendants. Then the coral began to be polished, and in the XIX century - even imitated in other materials - porcelain and metal. The most popular corals are saturated red. Often there are pink varieties. Rare are black corals with the mysterious name "Akkabar" and silver-pearl ("angel's skin").
Furniture makers echo jewelers: corals are used in a variety as an element of interior decoration. Someone directly quotes the motive: Vittorio Locatelli for the brand