The owner of this apartment is a successful young man. Architect Vladislav Zablotny made for him a cozy and functional club interior
Such an unusual interior can be very different - completely secretive, dark, warm and cozy, like a nest, or, conversely, open, bright, festive ... And it began quite normally - the owner met the architect on the recommendation. We met, discussed priorities, outlined common features of the future project ... Then, the architect says, he tried not only to take into account the customer’s personality as much as possible, but to go further and understand what he really wants, in what conditions he will be especially comfortable, because and the interior turned out so "psychological".
“The customer is a young man,” says Vladislav, “he works a lot and needs to fully relax. At the same time, he feels comfortable and protected. Therefore, I tried to create a feeling of warmth and comfort in the interior. So, rounded, smooth lines, dark or muffled tones appeared I chose the textures that could soften the interior, but I decided not to shred, not to split up the space into rooms (which would seem to be associated with comfort). No, I made the space open, isolating only the bedroom with a bathroom and a guest room. room. As a result, I won, because now the whole interior looks, finished. "
For Vladislav Zablotny peculiar to its own, a special approach to the solution of the interior. First, he creates a kind of lump, and then cuts off the excess. That is, it works almost like a sculptor, with the exception that the sculptor deals with the finished material, and the architect himself creates the "material". “For example,” explains Vladislav, “at first I mentally painted a dark dense interior — black floor, black walls, black ceiling — and then began to dilute it with beige color, but not to lose the feeling of comfort. Hence the travertine mosaic, beige round carpet , flax on curtains, the color of polished steel in the details of furniture and accessories, plus light red furniture accents for chromaticity ... And the "diluting" details should be related - then the interior will be complete. "
Open space Vladislav Zablotny "закрутил" вокруг некоего найденного им центра окружности, который к тому же находится практически в центре основного открытого пространства. В этой точке - люстра и стоящий под ней журнальный столик. А на самой окружности - уютный полукруглый диван, сидя на котором так приятно смотреть кино или любоваться живописным видом гор. За его спинкой - кухня, приподнятая на подиум высотой 28 см (из кухни все это тоже хорошо видно). Архитектор все продумал так, чтобы все для хозяина было предельно эргономично. "Утром встал, включил кофеварку, выпил кофе, тут же посмотрел новости, и все это не вставая с барного стула, - рассказывает архитектор. - Хорошо сфокусированный свет галогена вытаскивает из темноты лишь то, что приятно глазу и сердцу и придает вещам какую-то особую ценность, при этом скучные, никому не нужные сопряжения стен и потолков теряются во мгле. Кстати, в этой квартире практически нет шкафов - все вещи хранятся в гардеробных. Это и удобно, и соответствует духу незахламленного интерьера. Вместо картин - офсетные постеры с видами итальянских улочек на ткани. For пущего урбанизма..."
Project author Vladislav Zablotny: “The customer gave me absolute freedom of action, so working with him was really easy and pleasant. We discussed the main points from the very beginning: the space should be mostly open, well planned and as comfortable as possible. I met the apartment very, very cautiously. Nevertheless, I managed to convince him of the right choice, thoughtful and deliberate. Black is not darkness. Black is an opportunity for light "