Cocoa color in the interior

A photo: Sergey Morgunov, Elena Savina, - the press services
Leading headings: Marina Volkova
Magazine: (151) 2010
Cocoa is related to coffee and chocolate. In Europe, it came from Latin America. This is a theme of exotic and faraway countries. In the interior sphere, cocoa is a color associated with tradition, in particular, with furniture, mostly classical.
The effect is that it is from the monochrome part of the spectrum, which means that it is not suitable for an ultramodern design, the creators of which stand behind the shocking.
Dim colors have recently been recalled more often. Clear evidence of this - the last exhibition in Milan. Again relevant are gray, white, brown, or rather light brown (in a more poetic form, which we call the color of cocoa). He, by the way, is also different - from yellowish to more pink. But the classic version is warm, gentle, as if sweet to the taste. In the interior, a similar richness of shades is a big plus: it will help to create a complex color range built on half tones with subtle color transitions.
In furniture, cocoa upholstery is often combined with a complex carved gilded frame. Such an item will certainly decorate the front living room and create a solemn mood. At the same time, it will be possible to avoid excessive pathos (for which the color is loved by representatives of noble and wealthy families). And the color of cocoa is often used in the design of yachts interiors: in a tandem with the color of the sea wave and a strip characteristic of the clothing of yachtsmen, the ensemble turns out to be more than spectacular.