The interior of this apartment has a feeling of freedom and unhurried rhythm, which is more typical for life outside the city.

Text: Julia Sakharova
A photo: Will webster
Project author: Igor Liturinsky
Magazine: N6 (205) 2015
Igor Liturinsky: «Одно из главных достоинств этой квартиры—виды из окон. Нам хотелось добиться эффекта апартаментов на Средиземноморье: летом зелень за окнами напоминает море, и высотка плывёт по нему лайнером из эпохи ар–деко»
This interior has its own background. “At first we made an apartment for one successful young man, and then his elder sister turned to us,” recalls Igor Lyturinsky. “She and her husband constantly live outside the city, but at some point they realized that they also needed an apartment in Moscow . It turned out to be really convenient: you can come here to rest after work, to meet friends here ... ”The owners, outlining their expectations for the necessary functionality, otherwise gave the authors absolute freedom. Yes, and the very genre of housing — an apartment for infrequent raids, for stops in the city — set a certain freedom both in planning and in artistic solutions.
Квартиру купили в жилом комплексе в районе Садового кольца, за Театром на Таганке. У неё были явные достоинства: сплошное витражное остекление и эффектный вид на высотку на Котельнической набережной. (Эти «исходные данные» впоследствии авторы усилили, сделали их частью общего художественного решения, стилистически обосновали.) Хозяев не смутило то, что квартира вытянутой формы. И, кстати сказать, в результате перепланировки этот недостаток обернулся достоинством. «Благодаря такой конфигурации квартиры нам удалось создать эффект анфиладности пространства,—рассказывает Igor Liturinsky.—Функциональные блоки мы организовали по одной стене, это хорошо видно на плане: гостевой санузел, прихожая, каминная, кухня, гардеробная–постирочная, ванная комната хозяев. По противоположной стене анфиладой располагаются кабинет, гостиная–столовая и спальня».
In a palace-like way, high doors enhance the effect of the suite of space. This reception from the arsenal of classics is successfully combined here with a modern approach to the organization of the space of the ceremonial zone: it is solved as open and flowing. The living room communicates with the fireplace, located on the podium, and the dining room with kitchen. Opening the door from the office to the living room, and from the living room to the bedroom, you can combine all the space of the apartment. It is also open to the outside — thanks to the urban landscape outside the windows, from anywhere a high-rise eye-catching look. “We did not want to block the view from the windows,” explains the author of the project. “It would be ideal to do without curtains. In Western Europe, you will often not see drapes on the windows at all. But we still had to hang light curtains, given the Russian mentality. Another added roll. There is a lot of sunshine here — an unusual problem for Moscow. They often solve the opposite problem — how to preserve natural light. ”
The architectural style of Moscow high-rises — the Stalin Empire style — has much in common with art deco, which is why “veiled art deco” is noticeable in this interior, which manifests itself in the graphicity of ornaments — from wallpaper in the style of the famous Hokusai graphic to embossed stitching from the headboard. In general, the ease of artistic solutions of this apartment to match the freedom of space. Modern designer furniture, accessories, wallpaper — everything here is either an object of art or it is decorated in art style. The mix of modern things in combination with high doors, with parquet laid "French Christmas tree", with elements of the suite is very poetic. “There really is poetry,” the architect notes philosophically. “The fact is that this is not the main dwelling, here, by definition, there is little everyday life. And therefore it was very interesting for us to work with this object. ”