Bob Valois and Ceska Valois are probably the most famous antiques in Europe who specialize in art deco. Their apartment at Rue de Seine is an excellent example of modern art-deco interior.
Passing the galleryMagazine: N11 (177) 2012
The apartment of the Valois couple has an unusual layout. The elongated rectangular space divides the colonnade into two parts. The interior of one of the halves resembles a familiar apartment (albeit with a lot of sofa zones), but the interior of the second half looks like a patio. Actually, this is the courtyard, only attached to the main volume. A part of the sun-drenched territory is occupied by a summer garden with a gravel path along which palm trees grow. In the twenty years that have passed since the purchase of an apartment, the garden, as they say, has taken root. The owner of the house explains that in summer the glass roof shifts, so that the apartment is completely open to the environment. “Even the birds fly in,” he calmly says, sipping his cigar.
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