Anticipation of travel

офис турфирмы "Авис" (Санкт-Петербург) Oleg Kovalenko Экзотическая атмосфера офиса петербургской турфирмы "Авис", навеянная путешествиями по дальним странам

Passing the gallery

A photo: George Shablovsky

Text: Olga Gvozdeva

Designer: Oleg Kovalenko

Furniture: Hamlet Hayrapetyan

Sculptor: Oleg Zhenelenko

Painter: Alexander Kriventsov, Andrey Katsuba

Magazine: H (54) 2001

If in the past travels were the lot of the bravest, today they are accessible to all, you just have to open the door of a travel company. And this is not an allegory. For example, visitors to the Avis travel agency office in St. Petersburg (Nevsky Prospect, 92) immediately enter the exotic atmosphere. The noise of the surf, the soft whiff of the breeze - that only does not seem to be in this full of promises to the interior. And the interior itself is similar to a summary of the tourist route. The three main premises of the office are designed so that it is easy to "take the azimuth" and determine the direction. For example, romantic people will certainly think about Italy, which is facilitated by the decor of the hall. The muted, sun-bleached colors, smooth lines and luminous "sinks" of the working classrooms - everything brings to mind the Adriatic coast. Here and there, there are fragments of ancient columns, however, instead of heavy porticoes they bear on themselves only the fragile weight of table tops. A fragment of the fresco, enclosed in a light frame and reminiscent of the Renaissance, is the quintessence of this peculiar hymn to a beautiful country, where both museums and beaches will have delight for the frail body and for the immortal soul. But the journey is just beginning. Ahead of waiting for two "pratsivilizatsii" - Greece and Egypt. The Great Hall is divided in half - into the "Greek" and "Egyptian" parts. In the first one everything speaks of strict antiquity, in the second one - the air seemed to thicken and trembled, as in a hot Sahara, near a bas-relief, dotted with hieroglyphs. And, like a mirage, on the opposite wall - a boat under a sail torn to shreds. Someone will write it off in the heat in Petersburg, but probably the whole thing is in anticipation of the journey, which in these decorations turns from a dream into a reality.