345 glass drops

Kiev restaurant "Santori" Elena Dobrovolskaya

Passing the gallery

A photo: Alexey Reydalov

Leading headings: Nina Farizova

Architect: Elena Dobrovolskaya

Magazine: Na (80) 2004

The most famous alcoholic beverage company "Santori" was founded in the Japanese province in 1899. (Initially, it produced mainly whiskey, which quickly became popular not only in the Land of the Rising Sun.) Today a network of restaurants and bars of the same name has appeared in Japan and Canada, Mexico, Italy and other countries. The theme of sushi, a dish so beloved by both Russians and Ukrainians, reaffirmed its relevance by the discovery of the respectable Santori restaurant in Kiev (Sagaidachnogo st., 41). The restaurant is divided into a lunch-zone with a bar, a main hall with a bamboo canopy and a VIP-zone for special visitors. Many antiquities brought by the authors of the interior of Indonesia and Africa. The special pride and know-how of the restaurant is the door handles in the VIP-zone: they are made of mirror inserts according to the stained glass technology. The chandelier is not inferior to them - it has 345 glass drops. Thanks to such lighting, the space is split up, as it were, and every detail of the interior acquires a mysteriously conspiratorial character.