London festival of architecture: thames and vr perfumes

London Festival of Architecture (London Festival of Architecture, June 1–30) - marks the city as a “global center for architectural experiments, practice and debate”. The festival began in 2004 and today it includes about 400 events, united by a common theme - identity.

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One of the notable exhibitions is the AAA multitouch project created by AVR London, A-VR and Anise Gallery. In the context of the general festival theme, its authors explore the Thames, its banks and embankments.

The virtual reality experience introduces 6 selected buildings: Whit Wharf, Anchor Brewhouse, Anise Building, Cinnamon Pier, Tea Pier and 28 Shad Thames (formerly the Design Museum). These buildings look like dollhouses in the virtual world. Visitors are encouraged to explore each with VR glasses. Additionally, emotions stimulate special odors associated with the historical life of buildings, including tea, cinnamon and fruit.

• Scents of Shad Thames: Experience History Through the Sense. Anise Gallery, 13a Shad Thames. Со 2 по 23 июня 2018.