Wooden fence to give

Fence for giving from a treeDespite the variety of modern building materials, wood does not lose its position. Tree - a classic that has passed the test of time. A few years ago, with the advent of metal and plastic fences, wooden ones briefly faded into the background. However, now fences of wood with modern methods of processing and new forms are again at the peak of popularity.


  • 1 What is a wooden fence?
  • 2 Pros and cons of wooden fences
  • 3 Types of wooden fences
  • 4 Compare fences. Which is better?
  • 5 How to make a wooden fence with your own hands
  • 6 Fence design options
  • 7 Care and repair

What is a wooden fence?

In the manufacture of such a fence is used most often wood conifers rocks. It may be a pine or cedar. By their qualities, these rocks are the most moisture-resistant and have a greater degree of resistance to decay.

Many choose exactly wooden fence, as it is eco-friendly and safe. Plus, this type of fence can be combined with any design of the site. It fits perfectly into any natural landscape. Of course, like any other type of fencing, it has a number of advantages and disadvantages.

Pros and cons of wooden fences

Main a plus wood fence - low cost. In comparison with reinforced concrete or metal fencing, a wooden fence is much cheaper. This type of fence is easily mounted, so even a novice can assemble it with his own hands. In its beauty, the tree remains a favorite of all natural materials. The fence ensemble can be decorated as you please, giving the fence a universal shape and individuality. In addition, wood allows you to translate into reality any desires and projects. You can build a tall and impregnable fence, as well as a rare and thin fence. Concerning care and repair, this type of fence can be disassembled in parts. Replace damaged links can be separately, without removing the entire structure.

However, wood has its own limitations. К примеру, look after за ней нужно гораздо чаще, чем за другим материалом. Такой забор нужно чистить как минимум несколько раз в год, пропитывать специальными защитными средствами и окрашивать. Срок службы такой ограды относительно небольшой — 5−10 лет. Все зависит от качества care и своевременного ремонта. Конечно, такой забор не защитит Вас от взломов грабителей. Он легко ignited and is destroyed by the blows.

Types of wooden fences

Wooden fenceThere are several major species wooden structures:

  • classic fence;
  • grid;
  • лесенка;
  • chess;
  • vertical shtaketnik.

The first option is most popular in Russia. This design is assembled from longitudinal lag and vertical pillars. Reiki firmly attached to the lag at the right distance. Someone makes a deaf fence with tightly pressed pillars, some are satisfied with the fence "in the hole."

The fence-lattice looks like fencingassembled from sections. The design can be both rectangular and square frame, on which the slats are attached at a special angle. After this, the second row is fixed perpendicular columns, which form the lattice. This kind of fence looks quite attractive, on top of that, it is well blown.

Lesenka - type of bilateral fence. Its design is quite simple. Vertical ones are attached to the longitudinal lags, and the boards are overlapped with each other on them.

Chess the type of fence is similar to the classical one, only the crate is installed on the longitudinal lags not in a row, but in a checkerboard pattern. This fence is well blown and at the same time hides the area from prying eyes.

Shelf most often used to mark the inner territory, as well as to protect the beds or beds from encroaching on them domestic animals. Shtaketnik usually do low and rare. The fence can be called only formally.

Compare fences. Which is better?

Wooden fenceIf we talk about protecting a home or a plot, then brick забор подойдет как нельзя лучше. Он надежен, крепок и прочен. Он прост в обслуживании и не требует особенных чисток или дополнительных покрытий. Однако он является достаточно дорогостоящим материалом, a plus ко всему дает большую тень на территорию участка.

The most aesthetic looks forged fence. It can be decorated to your taste. Such a fence is universal, it is usually installed by successful people and businessmen. Forged fence is considered a sign of individuality and wealth. It is strong, durable and reliable, but it is unlikely to succeed in hiding behind it from outsiders.

The fence from a grid of the chain-link is very popular among the others thanks to the low cost. It is often used for public purposes, protecting kindergartens and other construction projects. Usually put a fence made of galvanized metal, this design is the most durable and functional.

Fences of polycarbonate and sheeting is also very common. They are plastic, durable and unpretentious. In addition, this type of fence can be easily decorated, for example, by letting a hedge in it.

Как сделать wooden fence своим руками

Before embarking manufacturing fence, you need to decide on the material. In the choice of wood it is better to give preference to dry species of deciduous or coniferous trees. They are the most resistant to moisture and temperature extremes.

The easiest way to make a fence out Stacker or wooden slats. They need to be carefully polished to smooth the bars. Also, they need to be treated with a special protective agent that will protect the fence from parasites. It is best to use galvanized fasteners, and the parts to be oiled with linseed oil.

Чтобы поставить ограду из Stacker, нужно иметь следующий набор of materials:

  • logs or longitudinal bars;
  • shtaketnik or slats;
  • pillars that will serve as a support for the fence;
  • lacing and pegs;
  • cement, sand and bitumen;
  • shovel or burden;
  • nails or screws.

DIY fence installationFirst of all, you need to start with markup future fence. First you need to put extreme support, stretch the cord between them and drive the pegs where the rest of the pillars and the gate will stand. The distance between the supports should be the same, otherwise the fence will look unaesthetic. In places where there were pegs, you need to dig holes with a depth of at least of the size of the support. The bottom of the pit need to fill with bitumen or creosote.

Чтобы fencing прослужило как можно больше, нижнюю часть столбов обжигают и обрабатывают средством от паразитов. Далее устанавливаются pillars и закрепляются специальными распорками, после чего на них крепятся продольные лаги или брусья. Они прибиваются сверху и снизу, а потом на них крепят сам штакетник. Расстояние между планками владелец забора выбирает сам. В завершение работы нужно закрепить pillars, залив ямы песочно-цементной смесью. Через пару дней распорки можно убрать, и wooden fence из Stacker готов.

Fence design options

Wooden fence можно выполнить в различных styles. Some owners prefer to paint the fence, using special varnishes and paints. Some decorate the fence with carved elements, ornaments and patterns. The wooden fence will be perfectly combined with any natural landscape, so even an unpainted wooden fence looks beautiful with green foliage and flowers.

Care and repair

For a wooden fence to serve you as much as possible, you need to properly look after behind him, namely:

  • clean;
  • paint every 2−3 years;
  • убирать траву снизу Stacker, чтобы избежать дополнительной влажности;
  • process with protective agents against parasites.

Data tips помогут Вам самостоятельно установить wooden fence без лишних проблем. Вариантов ограждений из древесины великое множество, главное — правильно за ними look after и во время ремонтировать, тогда wooden fence будет радовать хозяина своей природной красотой не один год.