A cozy corner, consisting of flower arrangements, is desired by every owner of a summer cottage or country house. A beautifully created flower bed will delight its owners and those around them, making the garden or the site more attractive. But the arrangement of a flower bed requires compliance with certain rules, according to which a place is chosen to create a composition, its type, plant species and their compatibility. This information can be found in this article.
- 1 Types and features of beds
- 2 Possible combinations of plants
- 3 Main rules for drawing up a flower bed scheme
- 4 What are the layout of flowers?
Kinds and features of beds
A flower bed is a small plot of land on which flowers and ornamental plants are planted in the indicated order and form, in compliance with conceived pattern.
Beds are divided into the following types:
- Regular flower beds, consist of strict geometric shapes and patterns, located symmetrically to the center. For arrangement of this type of beds it is necessary to plant flowers of the same height and flowering period. They should be combined with the design of the house and garden. Due to the complexity of their implementation they are planted in areas not often.
- Irregular flower beds - easier and simpler to create than regular ones, and have their own principles for creating flowerbeds. These beds are made of frost-resistant beautiful perennial flowers, they are planted in groups and they look more natural.
Elevated - flowerbeds, where flowers are planted in concrete, wooden enclosing structures, filled with fertilized soil. On these beds you can plant not only flowers, but also vegetables.
- Vertical - flower bed, where containers are used, located at any height, in which the planting of flowers was carried out. The solution to creating a vertical flowerbed is planting liana-like plants.
- Monoclumbaba - consists of flowers of one variety, having one color.
Possible combinations of plants
Beautifully made flowerbeds are an art where you should take into account the peculiarities of plant types, their compatibility in planting. The scheme used for planting flowers is of great importance for creating and arranging a luxurious, elegant flower bed. Beautiful patterns are obtained from bright color shades. The use of colors of one type and shade (dahlias, phloxes) for arranging a small-sized flower bed will provide an opportunity to get a monochrome composition.
I make a flower bed will decorate phlox plants, meadow pelargoniums and planted pansies along the edge of the border. A simple attractive composition can be created from the yellow begonia, by planting around it plants consisting of bright red flowers. Contrast composition will create a combination of warm orange and blue, burgundy and green. A beautiful, pleasant flower bed can be created, flowers of cornflowers and snapdragons of a light yellow shade, if they are combined with a smooth, smooth moussel.
Elegant flowerbed planted under the scheme "Flower" will create plants that bloom in one period. Suitable such flowers: viola, primrose, daisy, zinnia. When disembarking, a diverse combination of colors and shades is used.
Main rules for drawing up a flower bed scheme
For arranging flowerbeds, the selection of ornamental plants and flowers is carried out according to certain rules. When planting plants in flower beds, it is important to consider some factors.
Harmony of plant combinations по окраске цветков и форме листьев. Flowerbed будет смотреться великолепно при правильно подобранной цветовой гамме, сочетающихся растений. Для начала нужно определиться будет ли клумба яркой, притягивающая взгляд окружающих, или нежной, чтобы, глядя на нее, ощущалось спокойствие. В яркой клумбе можно использовать эшшольции, турецкую гвоздику, а растения, имеющие розоватый, голубоватый оттенки используются в нежной. Для придания клумбе нежности высаживают незабудки. Теплые цвета: красный, желтый. ю оранжевый привлекают взгляд окружающих. Холодные оттенки: зеленый, фиолетовый, синий используют в качестве фона.
Excellent contrast smooths white color, combined with bright colors. Black color emphasizes on the flower bed the brightness of the color. Strong contrast create combinations of colors: orange and blue, red and green, yellow and purple. Smooth borders will provide flowering plants with white flowers.
The blue flowers planted next door are well combined with red flowers and purple and orange flowers. For constantly blooming composition, leafy plants are planted, creating a pleasant background.
Variety of flower shapes and leaves. A flower bed looks luxurious if plants are selected that differ in their shape, but with the same color shade. It looks good on a bed of alternating deciduous plants of various shapes. For example, plants with narrow, long leaves with plants that are oval, large-leaved with filigree foliage. Harmony of composition will be created by plants with large flowers, which will alternate with small-flowered and ornamental plants. You can also use cereal plants.
Flowering time. For decorative beds throughout the season you need to pick plants with flowering at different periods. As you know, there are plants in which the flowering period is from spring to autumn, in others only in spring, and in the third in summer. Therefore, they need to be planted in such a way that there were no bald patches after the end of flowering. Bright, quickly losing their decorative plants are planted alone or in groups between plants that bloom immediately behind them. Flowerbed control should be kept constantly, since after the withered annual plants new plants need to be planted. You should also be aware that some annual plants multiply by self-sowing and can appear on a flower bed anywhere.
Plant height High growing flowers are planted in a flowerbed in the center. They are also planted in the background of one-sided flower beds. Border planted from stunted or creeping plants.
The degree of growth in width. For perennial plants that grow to the sides, a lot of space is allocated, and the voids are planted with annuals, while taking into account the plant growth rate.
Landing density Appealing to the flowerbed will give planted plants rarely in the center, and tightly on the edge. Low-growing plants planted on the curb should cover the whole earth under them.
Plant requirements for light and soil type. When creating a flower bed, you must fulfill the requirements of each type of plant. For flower beds, plants are selected according to the soil conditions, the degree of shading or openness. Plants with similar requirements for soil moisture, light, it is desirable to plant in one flower bed.
What are the layout of flowers?
Creating flower beds is not an easy task. To get an attractive composition you need to skillfully choose a combination of plant colors and their flowering time. To do this, use these types of planting schemes:
Contrast. This scheme involves the use of colors, located opposite each other in the color wheel. The best effect comes from pure tones without shades.
- Monochrome. This scheme of planting flowers uses several different shades of the same color.
- Close colors scheme. The planting usually involves two to four colors adjacent to the color wheel. The choice of plants with such a scheme is wide. So that the scheme, made in cold tones, would not look boring from a distance, it is diluted with plants with white flowers. Apply a scheme of close colors can be everywhere.
Careful planning of the flower bed design, knowledge of the characteristics of plants, their combination, as well as the manifestation of fantasy will help to create a spectacular flower bed that will delight you and those around you throughout the season.