Goal — это первое, что видит гость, приходя в ваш дом или просто проходящий мимо человек. Они являются, по сути, некой визитной карточкой, которая определяет статус и вкусы хозяина домовладения. Красивые кованые ворота — вот что сможет идеально подчеркнуть статус владельца дома. На фоне других видов ворот, они выделяются высокой декоративностью и художественной ценностью. При этом, с функцией защиты такие ворота также справляются на отлично.
- 1 Traditions and features of the blacksmith's craft
- 2 Advantages of forged gates
- 3 Scope of wrought iron gates
- 4 Forged Gate Types
- 5 Forged Gate Device
- 6 Photos of wrought iron gates
- 7 Do-it-yourself wrought iron gate installation
Traditions and features of the blacksmith's craft
Blacksmith craft - has long been a respected way to process iron. The experience of a blacksmith has always been invaluable and carefully passed down from generation to generation. The master blacksmith put a particle of himself in each of his forged items. Even the usual horseshoe was worth a lot if it was performed by a famous blacksmith.
Blacksmiths in their activities use a variety of techniques. This sediment, hood, chopping, twisting, punching holes, drawing reliefs
grape bunches;
- leaves;
- vines;
- coat of arms;
- logos, etc.
Unbelievably, but forged curls forging are, in fact, very durable. Although during operation, the billet metal becomes hot and very soft, like clay. And only the skilled hands of the master will be able to make of this material. strong and beautiful details.
Advantages of forged gates
To the main benefits Forged gates include the following:
- wrought iron gates fit well into any design and style Homestead territory (be it classic, country style or hi-tech);
- together with decorative, wrought iron gates perfectly perform and protection function home ownership from uninvited guests;
- artistic forging goes well with different materials: wood, metal, marble, granite and polycarbonate;
At the same time, artistic wrought-iron gates are not cheap and fun. worth a lot of money. However, this circumstance will not stop the true connoisseur of the beautiful and elegant.
Scope of wrought iron gates
The scope of use of wrought iron gates is quite wide: many companies offer customers a huge selection of gates with art forging.
Most often, artistic forging is used to design fencing, on gates and entrance gates. Thus, a boring and monotonous fence can be transformed in a flash into a fabulously beautiful work of art. At the same time, it is not necessary to decorate forging elements with the entire length of the fence; it will be enough to restrict yourself to a gate or wicket.
Besides, кованые ворота часто устанавливают на кладбищах, для отмежевания конкретного участка. Возле производственного здания или офиса такой элемент, как artistic forging также будет смотреться очень удачно. Многовековой опыт производства подобных изделий позволяет сегодня создавать разнообразные и unique masterpieces any degree of artistic value.
Forged Gate Types
By its design features stands out two main types gate:
- swing;
- recoiling.
Both types of gates can be automatic, that is, the process of opening and closing the gate can be controlled from a distance.
Besides, constructions Wrought iron gates are divided into two types:
- open (consist of a frame, a lattice from rods and an openwork pattern);
- closed (represent a sheet with a frame on which the forging elements are fixed).
Swing gates are a more practical option, and therefore more in demand. This type of door is easy to use, and also does not require any additional space. For swing gates You can choose any decor options that will be combined with any material.
Форма кованых ворот может быть разнообразной и определяется она, прежде всего, изменением очертаний краев ворот. Forged gates могут иметь традиционную арочную или прямоугольную форму, а могут быть волнистыми, зигзагообразными или треугольными. Усложнить форму ворот и придать ей объемности можно за счет размещения лепных элементов на створках.
Forged Gate Device
The design of wrought-iron gates consists of two wings. They can open both outside and inside the object. The flaps are attached to the fence posts with the help of hinges, which account for the entire mass of the gate.
The size and reliability of the support pillars must correspond to the size and weight of the shutters of the wrought iron gates. The supports must be concreted to a depth not less than a meter. And the ideal option is to tie both supports with a tape of concrete under the opening of the gate itself. This will help prevent the post from moving further. The verticality of the pillars and the geometry of the opening of the gate can also be preserved by constructing a connecting lintel above the gate.
Photos of wrought iron gates
Do-it-yourself wrought iron gate installation
You need to carefully weigh all the circumstances and evaluate your strength before deciding to install the gate on your own. The installation process forged gates is quite complicated in itself. He will demand of you a certain skill, technical skills as well as accuracy. Therefore, if you are not very confident in your abilities, then it is better to entrust this business to professionals, so as not to spoil the design of the gate.
If you decided to save money and install the gate yourself, then, first of all, you need to stock up on a certain set of tools.
To install a wrought iron gate, you will need these instruments:
- Bulgarian;
- welding machine;
- electric drill;
- self-tapping screws;
- hammer;
- ruler; - building level
Galvanized is ideal for support posts. steel profile measuring 100 by 100 millimeters. In extreme cases, metal poles can be replaced with concrete. The metal corners for the frame must be at least two millimeters thick.
In order to properly install the entire structure of the gate, it is first necessary to prepare a place, carry out the markings and concrete the supports. During the time the pillars will stand, you can do frame assembly forged gates. Further the gates are hung on supports, the doors are adjustable and sheathed. Each action should be done with maximum accuracy, because due to the slightest inaccuracy in the installation, the gate design can no longer be durable.
Wrought iron gates install the easiest. It is important to have free space on both sides, in the zone of opening the door leaves. It is also important to take into account that the supporting pillars will withstand enormous loads on themselves, therefore they need to be driven in as deep as possible. The depth of dropping supports should be at least one meter (and in unstable soils - at least one and a half meters). Iron supports before installation must always be coated with a corrosion primer.
Installation of support pillars is made on sand and rubble pillows. The thickness of this pillow should be about 20–25 centimeters. With the help of the construction level of the rack must be set vertically. The free space in the pits is filled with a mixture of rubble, brick chips and earth, and then poured with a solution of concrete. Three to seven days should be given to the solution to stand.
From profile cook gate frame (First, weld the outer, and then - the inner frame). The finished frame must be polished, primed and painted. Further, the door leaves are hinged on hinges that are pre-fixed on the posts.
Wrought iron gates can be (and certainly will be!) Real decoration вашего домовладения. Разнообразие форм современных ворот, а также широкий выбор возможных узоров artistic forging — позволят подобрать такие кованые ворота, которые максимально впишутся в стиль именно вашего дома.