Forged fences in their beauty can be compared with a real work of art, and their characteristic combination of the incongruous, in particular, the ease of construction and high reliability, fully justify their considerable popularity. Of course, the installation of forged fences, like any other elements made in this way, requires certain financial costs, but believe me, the result is worth it. Moreover, such a fence will retain its amazing appearance and high performance for many years.
- 1 Features of forged fences
- 2 Types and design options forged fences
- 3 Comparison with other types of fences
- 4 Technology installation wrought fence
Особенности кованых заборов
When choosing a fence for fencing a certain territory, its owner is repelled by a number of criteria, in particular, from the functionality, the level of protection from external factors, durability and strength, the appearance corresponding to the design style near the adjacent structures, as well as financial possibilities. All these characteristics fully correspond to forged fences, the manufacturing technology of which implies the use of metal rods placed at a small distance from each other and forming a structure with high protective and aesthetic functions.
Forged fences advantages, namely:
- long service life, which can be hundreds of years;
- individuality in every detail, which is possible due to the manual work of the master;
- flawless appearance from an aesthetic point of view, which will emphasize any design ideas embodied in architecture and landscape design;
- due to the use of various methods of metal processing in the form of galvanizing, coating with paint and special powder, high resistance to corrosion processes is provided;
- the lack of special care for the structure, since in order to maintain the fence in good condition, it is necessary only 5 times to paint it.
Of course, forged fences have their own disadvantageswhich are certainly worth considering. First of all, it is more significant financial costs in comparison with fences made from other materials. Especially when it comes to troublesome manual work, which has more value than the ready-made designs of industrial production.
Also forged fences peculiar to transparencythat prevents the privacy of people in the area. And the most significant difficulty in the construction of such structures can be called professionalism, as poor quality work will be visible to the naked eye due to improper bias and non-compliance with symmetry. Therefore, you should only trust proven masters who have significant experience in this field.
Types and design options forged fences
There are several species forged fences that have their own distinctive features and functional purpose, namely:
- Protective кованые заборы. Характеризуются более высокими параметрами прочности. Имеют массивный и, в то же время, элегантный внешний вид. Заборы защитного типа относят к бюджетному варианту, поскольку в них, как правило, отсутствуют различного рода decorative элементы. Все секции в предельно короткое время скрепляются при помощи сварки.
- Decorative forged fences. Such designs are characterized by complex decoration and individual character of the pattern. This is the most expensive and complex type of forged fences, which is almost impossible to make with your own hands without having the appropriate experience. Quite often they have a small height and perform a purely aesthetic function.
- Combined forged fences. This design combines the properties of the two previous options. Externally, it consists of welded elements decorated with wrought iron details. In more detail, the assembly technology of the combined forged gate will be described a little later.
In order to to visualize future fence, it is necessary to make a design project with several design options. A rather popular and interesting option is the execution of a wrought fence in the form of a vine with clusters. Beautifully looking fence of irregular shape in the form of oak branches with leaves. You can also apply in the design of the fence modern style or classic ornaments. Colour painting is also of great importance, therefore, when determining the finishing look of a wrought fence, it is necessary to take into account this important factor.

Comparison with other types of fences
Materials для изготовления заборов достаточно много и выбрать наиболее подходящий более чем возможно. Так, на сегодняшний день наиболее популярны такие fencing как:
- Wooden fences. The main advantage of these fences is ease of installation and lower cost of material in comparison with forged products. An important is the pleasant appearance and natural origin of the material, which, on the one hand, can be called a virtue, and on the other hand - a significant drawback that affects the durability of the structure.
- Plastic fences This is one of the most budget options, which can perform as a decorative function, and protective. It is not exposed to moisture, ultraviolet and harmful insects, but the low level of strength and durability leaves its imprint on the prevalence of this type of fence in our country.
- Fences of sheeting. This is one of the most popular materials for the construction of the fence, the cost of which is comparable to wood, and the strength is very little inferior to metal structures. The speed of installation works is also encouraging, but for aesthetic characteristics, the forged fence is far superior to this option.
- Fences of polycarbonate. The popularity of this type of fences is increasing every day, as its cost, combined with the strength characteristics suit quite a lot of domestic consumers, but they clearly lack the unique sophistication inherent in wrought iron fences.
Technology installation wrought fence
To make Forging a fence with your own hands is possible, but you will have to put a lot of effort into it, so you should be prepared for certain difficulties. First of all, it is necessary to prepare such equipment as a grinder, a device for cold forging, electric welding and smaller tools for working on metal. The process of installing a wrought fence can be divided into several stages, the essence of which is disclosed below:
- Markup grounds. To begin with, the territory along which the fence will pass should be marked out taking into account the sectional breakdown, and at the same time observe the maximum accuracy in the calculations, which are indicated in the preliminary drawing.
- Installation support pillars. The supporting pillars, made of brick, concrete or metal, can be installed both on the pile-screw and on the strip foundation. You can also fix them by digging and concreting with a reinforcing frame. The pillars are placed in a vertical position, and their even position is checked using a level. The tops of the pillars should be closed with protective metal caps in order to protect the structures from the ingress of atmospheric moisture and rainwater. Then the supporting pillars are equipped with fastening elements for the installation of sections.
- Manufacturing секций. Кованый забор сооружают из металлических прутьев сечением примерно 12×12. Лучше всего для подобных целей использовать гранёные прутья. Сначала необходимо собрать на ровной поверхности рамки для секций. Затем устанавливаются decorative кованые элементы, которые можно приобрести как в готовом виде, так и сделать под заказ. Если было принято решение самостоятельно изготовить ажурные изделия из металла, то для начала стоит потренироваться, и лишь приобретя определённые навыки, приступать к основательной работе. Прежде чем приваривать готовые завитушки, кольца и другие decorative elements, it is necessary to expand the overall picture inside each section, and only then, having decided on the location of each of them, to begin welding. It is important to start only to grab each element, so that there is a possibility of their correction. After all the details will be a full view, you can finally cook sections.
- Painting the fence. After the fence is cold, you can begin to degrease with a solvent, after which the surface is treated with an anti-corrosion agent. Then the fence is subject to staining to give it a full look.
As you can see, the process of building a wrought fence is enough complex a procedure that requires certain knowledge and skills, therefore, if you have a little doubt in your abilities, it is more rational to enlist the support of a more experienced person or entrust the work to professionals.