A good fence is not only a way to protect against uninvited guests and unnecessary looks, but also serves as a hallmark of your home or site. Today there is a huge amount of building materials for the erection of the fence. How to make a choice? First you need to decide on the function and purpose of the future fence. If the fence will protect the front part of the house from the street or from the neighbors, then it is necessary to build an impressive, powerful fence. Here can be used metal, professional sheet, brick. Fences inside can be made of a simpler material: wood, chain-link mesh, artificial stone. Consider in more detail each of them.
- 1 Materials for the manufacture of fences
- 1.1 Wooden fence
- 1.2 Metal and wrought fence
- 1.3 From a professional flooring
- 1.4 Brick fence
- 2 Technology build a fence of corrugated
- 3 The technology of building a wooden fence
- 4 Concrete fence technology
Materials for the manufacture of fences
Concrete fence — достаточно медленно строится, но в отношении цены и качество он занимает первое место. Бетон является durable and unpretentious in the maintenance of the material. In recent years, typed concrete fences, which have many advantages, enjoy wide popularity:
- reliability;
- durability;
- ease of assembly;
- design diversity;
- it can be installed in any soil;
- строительство осуществляется намного быстрее, чем кирпичного the fence.
But he has his drawbacks:
- has an overall design compared to a metal or wooden fence;
- lack of ventilation area;
- afraid of temperature changes and displacement of unstable soil. If during the installation you do not take into account certain nuances in the technology, then after the winter the fence along with the sections can simply fall apart.
Wooden fence
The spread of wooden fences can be explained by many different lumber and affordable prices. They also harmonize with the garden, the environment, and various materials. But at the same time, such a fence needs special care during its operation.
Metal and wrought fence
Metal and wrought fence также не уступает by its popularity today, according to the design and style, it constitutes an integral ensemble with the territory of the house. This type of fence is made by the individual order. There is a huge amount of styles - from classical baroque to modern modern or minimalism.

Forged fences are mainly made of metal. Often in the overall composition of the fence stone is inserted. The wrought-iron fence is an important part of home security, it should not only be elegant and beautiful, but also durable and reliable.
Among the advantages of metal fences include:
- esthetic appearance;
- does not require constant care;
- possibility of erecting a fence according to an individual drawing;
- ease of manufacture;
- the possibility of translating diverse design ideas;
- relative cheapness of finished products;
- does not undergo any corrosion.
The disadvantages of metal fences:
- lack of protection from wind and prying eyes;
- lack of protection from penetration to the site of small animals.
From a professional flooring
The fence from a professional flooring is chosen by the majority of customers because of its practicality for a personal plot, a country house or a dacha. The basis of the profiled flooring is a galvanized metal sheet, it is painted in a special way. Profiled today - the most demanded material for the construction of fences. A distinctive feature from other materials is its durability and practicality, it also benefits price policy.
Sheeting is able to protect from noisy influences from the outside, also serves as an insurmountable barrier to domestic animals. It is perfectly combined with any design due to the large selection of colors of the coating, which has high quality and impact resistant moisture, fading and other factors.
But, as if we know nothing perfect, the fence made of corrugated flooring has its drawbacks. He is deaf from him many shadows are formed and this is not always good for plants, the gaze stumbles upon a wall. Also a disadvantage is the purchase of expensive metal pipes which are necessary.
Brick fence
Brick fence effectively shows refined taste owner and solves a problem about the safety of housing. Brick fence is well combined with other building materials: metal, wood, stone. Green spaces original and interesting decorate the fence, give it an attractive appearance.

If the question is, what materials to use for manufacturing fencing with your own hands, and that they are also not too expensive, you can give preference to the following options:
- fence made of corrugated;
- wooden fence;
- fence from the chain-link;
- brick fence;
- fence from concrete (figured) sections.
The technology of building a fence of corrugated
First of all, it is necessary markup installation sites of the fence. From the extreme points on one side the cord is tensioned, along which the subsequent marking of the installation is made support pillars. As them you can use metal pipes, wooden beams or profile. If pipes or metal profiles are used, then before installing them, you need to paint, attach any material from above prevent corrosion process and moisture.
The next stage consists of preparation necessary recesses для установки столбиков для the fence. С помощью специального ручного бура изготавливаются ямки с глубиной 70−100 см. В них утрамбовкой или бетонированием устанавливаются опорные столбики. Причем первый метод отличается lower cost and the second will provide higher mechanical strength.
Concrete mortar is used for proper concreting technology. in proportion 1: 3: 4, respectively cement: sand: gravel, which is diluted with water. It is better to start mounting from the extreme posts, and then using stringing set the following, the height of which should be the same. Check the installation must be building level or plumb. The next stage should be performed only after the absolute concrete hardening
After finishing work with the posts you need to fix special jumpers (logs) for mounting sheets of sheeting directly. Welding them to the posts would be the best option, but the bolting method is also possible, for which mounting holes are made in advance. As lag you can use corner 40 × 40 mm or square tube 25 × 40mm, their number to the height of the fence two meters should be at least 2 pieces. After the construction of the frame you need to once again cover it with a paint and varnish composition.
The final step will be fastening material to the very frame. For this purpose it is better to use special screws, which are screwed to the frame with a screwdriver or electric drill with a bat. Screws fasten on the inside with an interval of 100−150 mm. To cut the profiled, you can use a grinder with a cutting wheel. Edge areas are trimmed with a file. In addition, it is recommended to fill the space between the corrugated layer and the ground surface with a concrete composition or a cinder block extend the operation time the fence.
The technology of building a wooden fence
To begin with, to protect a tree from rotting, you need to cover it with any protective base. Then you need to determine the height and proportion of the fence. Next is the construction process itself.

- It is necessary to perform the marking of the site, count the number of pillars and shtakin.
- The lower part, which goes underground, is treated with tar, the upper part is sharpened and smooth.
- Next is done markup under the pillars of the tensioned cord. The distance between the columns will be 2−3 m, and the height of the recess under them - 1−1.5 m
- After installing the pillars, the cord is tensioned at the top and bottom of the fence, this determines the place of the veins.
- The final step will be nailing a picket fence.
Concrete fence technology
Concrete fence built much easier, than a wooden fence. The most difficult will be hold the line in other words, install a smooth fence. Therefore, there is the likelihood of posting again, and this is not easy, since they weigh 80 kg. For such work will need three people.
So first you need to stretch the cord to a height of 0.5 m from the ground. After every two meters, recesses are made with a depth of 50 cm. Into these recesses poles are installed and aligned with the building level. They need to be fixed; for this, large crushed stone or broken brick is used. The rail is inserted into the groove of the pole and inserted into the next pole. The latter must stand so that the rake exactly answered the testimony level. Further the second pillar is fixed, the slats remain in place. After installing all the pillars in the wells is filled with a solution with a proportion 4:1. Бетон должен застыть. Поэтому после 3-х суток можно приступать непосредственно к сборке the fence.