The most favorite place to play with a child is a children's slide. Probably, only this entertainment helps to throw out all the excess energy, jump from the heart, and also give the baby an unforgettable bright sensations. Children's slide is a complex structure that resembles a whole gaming complex. Such facilities can be found at urban playgrounds. On the one hand the slide has steps, on the other - a small descent. For safety, for lifting and lowering slides are equipped with handrails and railings. As a rule, such constructions are small in height and can have one or several descents. If you have a country house, you can buy a children's slide not only for the order, but also to do it yourself.
- 1 Safety recommendations
- 2 Необходимые инструменты и materials
- 3 The order of work
- 4 Secrets of installing a children's slide do it yourself
Safety recommendations
It is important that the slide matches all safety standards. You can not install a slide near decorative electric lighting and trees, greenhouses, outbuildings
The construction must be well secured metal support or concreted. Details of the slide must be well sanded and varnished.
The supports, handrails and railings must be well fortified.
The size of the structure should also be considered. It must match the age of the child. For younger students, the height of the hill should reach no more than 3.5 meters.
Необходимые инструменты и materials
For the construction of a wooden children's slide do it yourself with the following: materials:
4 wooden beams of 100 × 100 × 600 mm;
- 1 timber of 500 × 500 × 800 mm;
- 3 floorboards of 40 × 130 × 600 mm;
- 5 planed boards of 40 × 130 × 600 mm;
- 2 round slats measuring 30 × 120 mm;
- For finishing, you will need 2 sheets of fiberboard or wooden lining;
- for fastening - anchor, screws;
- nails.
Instruments to build slides:
- Hammer
- Electric drill
- Electric plane
- Electric or wood saw
- Roulette
- Angle cutting machine
- Drill
The order of work
First you need to draw plan-scheme children's slides. For a basis, you can take a ready-made layout or create your own. According to the drawing, sawing wooden beams, trimming and sanding logs. Be sure to remove the chamfer (beveled edges of the corners of the parts), as through carelessness children can get hurt.
- Next you need to do the markup of the future construction. Выделить участок, размером примерно 200×200 см. По желанию можно и большего размера, если собираетесь далее достраивать конструкцию. В земле делаем углубление около 60 мм. Концы деревянных брусов нужно обмазать специальной гидроизоляционной мастикой и их вставить в землю. С помощью фрезера в стойках сделать grooves. Глубина должна составлять 20 мм. Опоры соединить струганной доской, вставить в grooves и стянуть стойки саморезами или болтами. В итоге должна получиться рама.
- In two wooden posts on the end, cut a groove of about 20 × 40 mm and fasten it to the frame.
- We perform floor installation. To do this, pre-painted boards, leaving between them small gaps, connect screws. If it starts to rain, water will flow into these gaps. Boards that connect to the floor bar, you need to fasten well with metal corners.
- Manufacture descent. The width of the slope should be no more than 80 cm. The frame of the descent is made by embedding from the top to the bottom of the boards. Sideways should be sides at a height of 30 cm. Usually, the slope is trimmed with a plastic sheet, covered with a galvanized metal badge or simply covered with linoleum. Plastics do not rust and bend, unlike plaques, and linoleum will cost less. You can purchase and ready slide, you only need to build it into the design.
- Installation of the stairs. For the manufacture of used boards of 50 mm. Kosour is set as follows: take 2 planks and put in a layer, then fasten with screws. The following kosoura do the same way.
- Installing the side of the stairs. Cut the board at 45 degrees with screws to the posts. At the same distance to strengthen the bars. Next, put steps on them, pre-measure the same distance and attach it with screws using the sidewalls. Then install balusters for the stairs. Its height should be 500 mm. We fasten to them the railing. Attach the tops of the railings to the wooden posts. Even if the staircase is not steep, the railing still needs to be done. According to the drawing process of the work will be more understandable.
In the side of the racks do grooves размером 20×12. Они должны быть от уровня пола не выше 200 мм. Вырезаем стенки из фанеры или листов ДВП и в них устанавливаем grooves. Далее устанавливаем цилиндрические рейки в середину стенки и пола. Затем прикручиваем к задней части лист фанеры.
- Next is done railing, so that the child does not fall. It is made of slats with a size of 20 cm and 80 cm, which are attached to the side beams. Parapet can sheathe plywood.
Children's slide практически готова, остается только убрать выступающие углы, шляпки шурупов и гвоздей, тщательно отшлифовать доски и покрыть special protective varnish.
In addition to slides, for children, you can also install a swing, horizontal bar, rings and other elements. Over time, it can be complicated by completing the house, sports sectors
Secrets of the installation of a children's slide do it yourself
- Grooves and slats with a screed parts form a solid and sustainable construction.
- To baluster was firmly established, the ladder can additionally be strengthened with slats.
- For painting it is better to use acrylic. These paints perfectly protect from negative impacts.
Thanks by myself made a design, the child with his peers and friends will have fun and usefully spend time. Children's slide will give a lot of positive emotions.