Chainsaws are very widely used. She can find a job with an ordinary summer resident, a master builder, and a professional logger. The range of manufactured chainsaws is also quite large, depending on what tasks are assigned to the tool. In the proposed article we will try to understand all their diversity and help determine the choice.
- 1 Chainsaw Types
- 2 Determine the power
- 3 Пильная находка
- 4 Chains are different too.
- 5 Protection against kickback
- 6 vibration protection
- 7 Popular Chainsaw Manufacturers
Chainsaw Types
- Amateur chainsaws. Small tools (sometimes referred to as “household”), with low power - usually no more than two kilowatts. Such saws can only be used from time to time, and the load should not be more than an hour per day. From the design features can be noted the use of low-profile chain. It allows you to significantly reduce the operating vibration. Due to the relatively low weight and low vibration, it is convenient to hold such a saw in your hands even for a long time. The use of this type of saws - sawing knots in the garden, preparation of wood for a fireplace or barbecue, minor construction work.
Semi professional chainsaws. Unlike the previous class, this type is designed for a much more serious load. With their help, you can build and dump wood with a trunk diameter of up to 40 cm. The weight of such saws is also more significant (up to 6 kg), and the power is more (up to 3 kW). This option is indispensable for those who want not only to restore order in the garden, but also to build a house before it. A semi-professional saw withstands more load than amateur one, however, it is not recommended to work with it. longer than three or four hours daily.
- Professional chainsaws. The vast majority are acquired by specialized organizations and are used primarily for felling. To get yourself a home such a saw to maintain the economy absolutely impractical due to the high cost and considerable weight. Such saws have high wear resistance and allow you to work without interruption throughout the entire working day, and there is enough power in 4-6 kW for rolls of the thickest trees.
Determine the power
The power of a chainsaw is its main technical characteristic. The greater the daily load on the saw, the thicker the log is supposed to be sawn, the greater must be its power. It ranges from 1.5 kW to 7 kW.
Take a saw with a large power reserve should not be - overpay a lot of extra money, and then still can not hold in your hands - powerful saws quite heavy. When choosing, try to follow the recommendations of the manufacturer and seller.
Пильная наставка
View saw headset is the second most important technical parameter of the chainsaw. There are three types:
- narrow flat - used in amateur chainsaws (the so-called "loppers") paired with a low-profile chain, the main advantage - lack of "back kick", which significantly reduces the risk of injury;
- lightened - made of two steel plates between which polyamide is poured (a type of high-strength plastic) in order to facilitate the construction; good for work on highwhere much more effort is required;
- with interchangeable heads - such a headset is necessary for professional powerful chainsaws, working every day for 8−10 hours.
In addition to the type of tire, saw sets differ in their length. When choosing, rate the technical specifications. enginewhether it supports the selected length. The long tire is suitable for felling (cutting) trees of large diameter; but a short tire has a higher speed. If you need a chainsaw for processing boards, splits of knots or small trees, then choose a model with a short tire - the work will go significantly faster.
Chains are different too
Another technical feature definitely worth considering is the step of the chain. At chainsaws it can be three kinds: 0.325 inches, three eighths of an inch and 0.404 inches. The dimensions shown are standardized and are used by all chainsaw manufacturers. For the choice of chain pitch the decisive factor is the power of the chainsaw.
A 0.325 inch chain pitch applies in amateur low power sawssuch chains are called “low profile”. It has a lower vibration, but is not suitable for long-term intensive use, as it quickly becomes dull and fails.
- Three eighths and 0.404 inch chains are put on powerful professional and semi professional chainsawsdesigned for severe loads and sawing trees of any thickness (with the exception, perhaps, of frozen wood).
Kickback protection
When working with a chainsaw, you must remember that this is a work with increased danger. Failure to follow safety and operating instructions can result in serious injury or even death. Therefore, do not neglect the elementary rules and remedies.
Chainsaw manufacturers also strive to protect the operator as much as possible, which is why so-called "Protection against kickback". Often there is a situation where the chainsaw blade in the process of work bounces sharply towards the operator. As a rule, this happens mainly because of the inexperience of the sawyer, when the very end of the blade falls on the tree. Protection is usually realized either as a shield or as a special brake (it occurs more often). Structurally, the brake is made in the form shield-lever, triggered during a kickback and instantly stopping the movement of the chain.
Vibration protection
The presence of anti-vibration protection is a definite plus when choosing a chainsaw. You should not neglect it, especially if you plan to work several hours a day. Structurally, such protection is implemented using rubber pads between the saw and the handle. Ask the seller to start the saw and hold it in your hands for some time - if the vibration is noticeable, it is better to abandon this model, otherwise then you will have to treat diseases of the joints.
Popular Chainsaw Manufacturers
So, we have decided on goals and objectives, all technical parameters have been taken into account - it's time to move on to the acquisition of a long-awaited purchase! Last step - brand selection.
Carefully choose the manufacturer of your chainsaw when buying - because the parts then have to choose only the same company, others simply will not work. The case concerns almost any spare part - be it a tire, wheel, sprocket or chain. Do not rush for cheap Chinese fake - in the end it will be more expensive, because the stingy always pays twice. With all the variety of models of chainsaws on store shelves, the list real manufacturers not so great, and in our opinion, it is worth to choose only from them:
- Husqvarna;
- Stihl;
- Echo;
- Makita.
All of the above manufacturers have pretty wide rangefrom which you can choose a chainsaw that meets all your requirements, including for any wallet. However, do not expect to meet very low cost - after all, these are serious firms that will not risk their reputation by releasing outright unreliable cheap tools. For example, the prices of various Husqvarna chainsaws in Moscow are from 6000 to 57000 rubles; on Stihl saws - from 7000 to 62000 rubles. The choice is yours!