Smokehouse types and their arrangement

Home SmokehousesРазве может быть что-нибудь вкуснее, чем копченый судак, пойманный и приготовленный by myself? Особенно если он приготовлен в коптильне, изготовленной собственноручно.

Smoking is a method of processing a product in which products acquire preservative properties under the influence of smoke. When this occurs, a strong dehydration of the product occurs, which contributes to a multiple increase in its shelf life. Thus, the main component of the process of smoking is smoke, which is produced in special devices - smokehouses.

At present, there are two main types of smoking and, respectively, smoked:

  • hot smoking;
  • cold smoking.

Smokehouses are adaptations of various sizes: from portable, no larger than a bucket, to stationary smokehouses, which sometimes look like a small house.

In hot-smoked devices, products are processed by smoke at a temperature from 38 ° C to 120 ° C for a short period (1-3 hours, depending on the processed product). Thus prepared food loses its structure and becomes softer.

Technology cold smoking is different from hot smoke, first of all, by the temperature of the smoke (from 19 ° C to 25 ° C) and by a much longer smoking process - sometimes this process can go up to several days. Also, if the product does not require any pretreatment in hot smoked food, then when cooking in a cold smoker it is necessary to salt it at least. As a result, products prepared in this way acquire dense structure, and also has a longer shelf life than similar products prepared in hot smoked smokehouses.


  • 1 Xарактеристика коптилен
  • 2 The construction of smokehouse hot smoked
  • 3 Cold Smoke Smokehouse

Xарактеристика коптилен

Hot smokedTOоптильни hot копчения отличаются от аналогичных устройств cold копчения, прежде всего, простотой устройства. Главное, использовать основные элементы строения коптильни:

  • smoking chamber where the product is located;
  • wood chip combustion chamber;
  • pallet.

Pallet in smoking sheds it is used for several purposes:

  • fat collection;
  • preventing chips from entering and creating high humidity in the chamber;
  • creating a constant temperature for a long time, by bending around the pan with smoke;
  • convenient cleaning of the smokehouse.

TO benefits This type of smokehouse can be attributed to the simplicity of the design, which makes it possible to create mobile portable devices that allow, for example, to smoke freshly caught fish right on the fishing spot.

TOоптильни cold копчения тоже могут быть в portable виде, но их использование не является таким простым, как в горячем копчении. Для получения cold дыма необходимо расстояние между топкой и непосредственно коптильней, которое иногда доходит до семи метров. Также в данном случае нет острой необходимости использовать поддон, так как исключена возможность попадания жира или сока от продукта копчения на тлеющую щепу. Таким образом, если устройство cameras копчения не отличается от hot способа, разве что отсутствием поддона, то остальное имеет явные различия. В результате, такой тип коптилен чаще всего устраивается houses or in the country, which can be attributed to the disadvantages of this device.

The construction of smokehouse hot smoked

It should be noted that hot smoked smokehouse is desirable to be made only from food grade stainless steel (at least 1.5 mm), since the use of ferrous metal is hazardous to health.

To make a simple smokehouse made of sheet iron, you will need:

Name Number of units. Size, mm
Лист food grade нержавейки 1 1200×2000
Grid 1 500×500
Pallet 1 450×450
Hook* 10 X
Corner 4 1200×400
Steel bar 10 500×100
Лист food grade нержавейки 1 550×550
Brick 30 X
Sackcloth 1 800×800

* Hooks used for hanging smoked products in the absence of lattice.

Home SmokehousesFurther, everything is simple - steel bends in rectangle with sides of 500 cm, after which the corners for stability are reinforced with metal corners (electric welding is used for fastening).

Inside the resulting cameras копчения при помощи сварки на расстоянии примерно 70 мм от верха бака необходимо приварить три прута, один из которых будет расположен посредине: на них будет устанавливаться решетка, а на центральный прут можно вешать крючки. На расстоянии 100 мм от дна бака необходимо приварить два прута, на которые в будущем будет установлен pallet.

Camera combustion of chips is laid out brick, while the furnace itself must be slightly smaller than the base of the smokehouse. For the correct distribution of heat on the combustion chamber of the remaining rods set the grate, on which you can put a number of stones.

Ready design in the end it will be arranged like this: a tank is installed in a brick combustion chamber, in which a pallet is placed in the lower part, and in the upper part there is a grate or hooks with products. The top of the tank is covered with a sheet of metal and is sealed at the top with sacking.

When smoking, it is important that the smoking product does not touch the walls of the smokehouse.

Similar smokehouse can be made of refractory bricksto be used instead of steel. Brick smokehouse has a more attractive appearance, and if there is free space, you can build convenient facilities for cutting and cooling of finished products.

Cold Smoke Smokehouse

Xолодное копчениеFor the construction of smokehouse using cold Smoking is necessary, first of all, to determine the place. Best suited terrain with a natural slope of at least 15 °. In our case, the smokehouse will consist of three main components:

  • ball;
  • chimney;
  • smoke chamber.

For the firebox breaks out pit with a side size of at least 600 × 600 mm and a depth of about 1000 mm. The bottom is lined with brick without mortar, and the walls with the same brick, held together with clay mortar. At the bottom it is also necessary to lay a sheet of steel. The feeding hole is covered by a standard integrated door for the stove.

Chimney approximately 300 mm in diameter, it digs into the ground and is covered with bricks, which are covered with any sheet material and covered with earth.

The upper part of the chimney goes to the smokehouse, which is constructed in complete analogy with the camera smoked. It is desirable that the smoking chamber is made of brick or wood - This makes the design attractive and provides ease of use. If you plan to use a metal tank, you should take care to secure it (to protect against overturning) on ​​the chimney.

Having considered two types of smokehouse, it can be concluded that to build a smokehouse, both hot and cold smoked by myself it is not difficult, and the pleasure of smoked meat will accompany you for a long period of stay in your garden.