Parisian Armelle Soye - about the fashionable Alps, designers and timeless items.
Related: Pierre Gonalon: New French Design. Chic, brut, classic
French gallery owner Armelle Soyet is one of the most interesting sellers of collection design. The choice of Galerie Armel Soyer: designers Mathias Kiss, Pierre Gonalon, Julian Mayor, Australian Christopher Boots, Russian Denis Milovanov. Armelle Soye grew up in Chantilly, her parents were professionally engaged in racing horses. By education - a financier, ten years working in Maison Lalique. Then, together with her husband, a photographer and image consultant, Gilles Pernet opened a gallery in Mar, a second site a year ago appeared in Megeve. Armel Soyer stands - at the best international fairs in London, Basel, Paris always look unexpected, like a surprise or a new word.

Air Alps Our gallery in Megeve is an experiment, but very enjoyable. First, the farmhouse XIX century. - an amazing place, from here you can see Mont Blanc. Guests feel relaxed, then you can drink a glass of wine. Secondly, very close to Switzerland, St. Moritz, where many collectors of contemporary art. Geneva is about to become an important city for collection design: from January 2018, the PAD Geneve Fair will be held here.

For five generations For me, a good thing is a thing that captures the spirit of the times. Fashion is changing, the decor is changing, but objects, having survived five generations of owners, should not lose their relevance. I never work with decorators, only with artists such as Denis Milovanov. Decorators think scenography of the space, the artists all the energy is concentrated on the subject.

Dinner in paris Люблю ресторан Loulou — отличная кухня и элегантный интерьер, проект Жозефа Дирана. Ходим в японский ресторан Soma в Маре. Ресторан La Providence — идеальное место, чтобы выпить перед театром. Ценю La Reserve — проект Жака Гарсиа. В двух шагах от нашей галереи открылся шедевр дизайнера Рафаэля Наво Hotel National des Arts & Metiers — мы все в восторге от него.
Related: Raphael Navo: a hotel where FF Coppola stays

Concrete and marble An interesting interpretation of materials is captivating me in author's subjects. Pierre Gonalon showed us the beauty of granite, Matthias Kiss came up with a marble carpet. In November, we will show the exhibition Jimmy Delatura Concrete Absolution: his work with concrete is incredible.
Related: Concrete Rehabilitation: Jimmy Delatour in Galerie Armel Soyer

For inspiration. In Paris, there are two places where I am always interested. Museum of Decorative and Applied Arts - now an exhibition dedicated to Christian Dior. And the Rodin Museum with a beautiful park.